Tony Abbott missed the boat by GDL
It has now been a few weeks since the conservatives took control of the country. In these first few weeks they have been on the wrong foot and soon realised that making promises via slogans from the opposition is very different from governing Australia. They very quickly realised that they do not know the ropes of governing and stubbled through mistakes over mistakes.
The first one was their discrimination towards their own women as they considered that only one women from their ranks was good enough to be cabinet minister. They were criticised from all corners as it was a lie to say that there was no other women worth the promotion. The Guardian newspaper listed five elected female candidates who were more qualified that many of the men selected by Tony Abbott. This discrimination revealed the true Tony Abbott who has a problem with women since his days at the university.
The second stubble was on the diplomatic front, when Julie Bishop was told upfront by the Foreign Minister of Indonesia in Washington that Indonesia will not accept violation of the territorial waters of Indonesia by turning back the boats. Julie Bishop lied when questioned about the meeting. She said everything was all right that they had a nice and cordial conversation. To prove that she lied, the content of the meeting was leaked to the press by the Indonesians. When they went to Indonesia they were careful on what to say. They were like little dogs with their tails between their legs. They had but praise for the government of Indonesia. (Operation charme par Mikey Mouse and figure Dubois.)
They suddenly liked the Indonesians after have been anti-Asians all their lives.
The next stuff up came from the arrogant Minister of Education, Christopher Payne who took upon himself to say that he would cut services to universities and impose a cap on the number of intake. He was immediately rebuked by his leader who said that this policy was not what they took to the elections. Since then Christopher Payne has disappeared. Tony Abbott also made clear that minsters should not talk to the press without his prior knowledge. ( I am the King, he wanted to say)
The other big stubble was their inability to stop the boats and prevent people from drowning. Since the new government sworn in, some 1,000 boat people have arrived and some 100 have drowned. Furthermore the new government embraced fully the policy of the Labor government to sent boat people to Manus Island and Nauru. What is new ? How many boats have been stopped or turned back so far ? Zero.
That's not all, after having talked down the Australian economy for 6 years and criticised the deficit, the fat man and the German after having had a closer look at the books and briefed by Treasury, suddenly found out that the budget is in a better position. They will, keep all the hard economic measures taken by Labor to bring the budget back in surplus in 2016. Big Joe and the German could not say when they will bring the budget to surplus. What a farce !!
Its not over, Tony Abbott caused a diplomatic row in locking out the Indonesian journalists from his press conference in Jakarta, He was accused of being undemocratic and breached Indonesian laws.
Next good one, the talkative Scott Morrison Minister of Immigration, suddenly went blank and dumb. He would not reveal to the press when boats arrive to our shores and when they will turn back the boats. He was ridiculed by a people smuggler when he said that people smugglers would use these information. He was laughed at and told that boat people have mobile phones and use the internet in detention centres to communicate with people smugglers. Scott Morrison is now hiding himself behind a veil of secrecy, running away from the press gallery as he has still cannot stop the boats and prevent people drowning.
The other big scandals are how the coalition members have been abusing of their privileges to pump from taxpayers money for private trips overseas, to weddings and others...Tony Abbott is also involved in this misuse of public money. These are they same people who criticised Peter Slipper!!!. Now they are caught red handed. What has been discovered by journalists so far could be just the tip of the iceberg. Is it not Senator Brandis who was going to impose a code of conduct to parliamentarians ? He should hide or hang himself in shame.As for Barnaby Joyce he is shameless about using public money and seems reluctant to give the money back. He is probably the worst among them all; but if one is rotten they are all the same. Birds of the same feather flock together Shame on them who wanted to give lessons of high moral grounds to the Labor ministers.
As for their stuff ups and their amateurism, one can say that it is teething problems but these people have been in politics for years and eleven of them have been minsters under John Howard. They have been criticising the Labor government for 6 years and prepared to take over. So they have no excuse.
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This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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