Turning back the boats to PNG
by GDL
Last Friday 19th July 2013, the Prime Minister announced that he has signed a deal with the PM of Papua New Guinea, that all boat people coming to Australia will be sent to PNG. All of them whether they have passports or not or whether they are women or unaccompanied minors (with some reservations for the latter).
The nation as well as the opposition was taken aback by this policy. It is much tougher than
the tuning back the boats of the opposition. However it has the potential to stop the boats without force or turning them back when it is safe to do so (sic).
By sending the "soit-disant" asylum seekers to PNG, it is assumed that these illegals and queue jumpers , will no longer pay the people smugglers if they will end up in PNG. The idea of being detained in PNG in itself is frightening and depressing, let alone permanent detention or being resettled in PNG and not Australia.
The boat people will still pay the people smugglers and risk their lives if they are genuinely trying to flee persecution. Beggars cannot be choosers! Otherwise, there should be a slow down of the boats in a near future. The news have already been spread all across Asia, where according to the UNHCR, there are 100,000 people waiting to jump on the boats to Australia. The message is strong enough, " If you come by boat, you will not be settled in Australia."
This policy decision is tough but it was needed. It will satisfy many Australians who were sick of seeing boats invading our shores in the north. Australians were sick of seeing their money (some billions of dollars) being spent on illegals who, because they can afford it, jumped the queue and pretend that they are fleeing persecution. Australians were sick of the lack of firm stance by our government and sick of hearing the Greens defending these boats people among which there are many pretenders and people of dubious character.
The Greens, the refugee advocates and some idiots who were seen manifesting in Balmain on Monday, want to let all boats people in. They wrote this on their placards, "Let them in." However these psychopaths, blazees and extremists are good at yelling but they are not ready to pay for the cost incurred with these boat peoples. It is certain that most of those manifesting are dole bluddgers.
Rational and intelligent people are sick of the Greens' hypocrisy, their unaccountability and their extreme left communist agenda and propaganda. Sarah Henson Young and her colleagues, by defending the boat people, are at the same time flourishing and enriching the people smuggling trade and encouraging people to embark on dangerous journey and risk dying at sea. She would then shed her crocodile tears. It makes one wonder whether she understands what is public interest.
As for Tony Abbott and the opposition, they were so surprised by that decision, At first they approved and said they will adopt it in government, but discovering that it can be political gain for Labor, start attacking the details. They could not see any other policy than tuning the boats, when it is safe to do so, although they have not told us how and what will they do when it is not safe to do so !! Furthermore, they attack the costing of the PNG policy but has not given a figure on how much their policy will cost. Typical of Tony Abbott like the 70 billion budget black hole.!!
There is also the hypocrisy that they will keep the policy once in government because Labor has done the dirty work for them.
Australians will find in the decision of Kevin Rudd the right and appropriate one to tackle this difficult issue. Australia is a generous country which has been lucky for many refugees who now have a decent life. The immigration policy should continue to done in an orderly manner and not be dictated by people smugglers and their friends, the Greens. Australia is one of the biggest intake of refugees behind the USA and Canada. Australia has no lesson to learn for left wing extremist as far as morality and generosity are concerned.
Australians want to welcome genuine refugees but not queue jumpers who are taking the places of genuine refugees waiting in camps. Australians no longer want to see boat people coming illegally to our country.
Australians are grateful to Kevin Rudd to have, at last, found a solution to this problem.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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