The opposition losing grounds by GDL
The political landscape has changed since the comeback of Kevin Rudd
as the new Prime Minister and leader of the Labor Party.
It is hardly two weeks that Kevin has been in the job that all the polls are
showing that the Labor Party is gaining grounds and that Kevin is by far the
preferred Prime Minister.
For the past year, i.e. since the last general elections, the opposition has been
pushing the government on the defence and was constantly leading in the polls.
Even if the opposition was not presenting any concrete policy, even though the
voters never knew what is in their manifesto, even if they were nothing but being
negative and never proposed anything valid, they were leading in the polls!!!
Tony Abbott and the opposition were just sitting back and watching how Julia Gillard
and her team were making mistakes. You could see them on the opposition bench
laughing and joking like school kids mocking their vis-à-vis. Their tactics were to
let the boat people continuous arrivals sink the boat of Julia Gillard. They only
pretend that they care for the asylym seekers when if fact they were praying that
more boats arrive and more people drown. How pathetic !!
Anyway it is clear that Tony Abbott was put in a straight jacket and given the
instructions not to give long interviews, all what he says to the press is scripted.
This is one of the reasons why he is not accepting Kevin's challenge for a debate.
The news of the increasing popularity of Kevin Rudd is sending shockwaves in the
opposition. They are in panic mode and trying everything to discredit Kevin Rudd. But
the more they attack him, the more popular Kevin becomes and more is he talking to
the people and the more they are listening.
While Kevin Rudd is on the attack and enouncing policies, the opposition
is on the defensive trying desperately to get some attention. The opposition is now
in a very awkward position; their role has changed and they were not prepared for such
a situation. Now they have to rethink and adjust rightly or wrongly. But it all seems
they have already emptied their reservoirs of slogans and cannot find anything credible
to talk about to convince the voters. Apart from the carbon tax and turn back the boats
no one in the public knows more what the opposition stands for. They can only talk
about the past, the days of John Howatd and has not realised that the people of Australia
has sent him to retirement (dans koro kann !!!).
Trying to resuscitate John Howard means that Tony Abbott is not the real leader and
that he has no credentials. He is not articulate and very weak in economics
and does not know much about technology and broadband.
Since a few days, the table has turned on Tony Abbott. the pressure is now on him and
as he is fit physically, but morally down, he can start climbing Mount Everest as he has
always said. But it does not look like he will reach the top.
Malcolm Turnbull is surely laughing heaps at Tony's expense.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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