George at Studio 2GLF 89.3 fm

George at Studio 2GLF 89.3 fm
Broadcasting Emission Kontak

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Greens, the best allies of people smugglers.

The Greens, the Asylum seekers and people smugglers
by GDL.

There are, at date, some 30,000  asylum seekers in Australia: 9,234 on Christmas Island, 2,764 in the community, 18,347 on bridging visas (i.e. waiting to be accepted as refugees) 545 in Nauru and a very small number in Manus Island. Some 1,000 have died at sea on their journey to Australia.
The boat-people/ asylum seekers is on the top of the political agenda. It has been an issue for some time, continues to be an issue and will be to be the main political theme  during the campaign.
The opposition has always claimed that they can and will turn back the boats, although they have afterwards added "when it is safe to do so", Recently they said that they will use the army and the navy to prevent the boats coming into Australian waters. On Tuesday 30th July, The coalition released another policy " The Pacific Solution, Mark 2" when they will send 2,000 asylum seekers to Nauru. This solution, its seems, is the plan B, if they cannot stop the boats!!!
Labor for their part, after acknowledging they made a mistake dismantling John Howard's pacific solution, is now sending all the boat people to Papua New Guinea where they will be processed.
While the major parties, Labor and the Coalition are designing tougher and tougher policies to stop the boats, to break the people smuggling business and to stop people drowning at sea, the Greens' policy, on asylum seekers, is the complete opposite.
In the pre-election policy released on Wednesday 30 July 2013, the Greens will welcome all the asylum seekers with open arms, no matter whether they are genuine or not or whether there are criminals or terrorists among them.The Greens will strip all deterrents from refugee policy, will shut down detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island. They will dramatically increase Australia's refugee intake,  give work rights to  those in the community and boost the capacity of the United Nations Refugee Agency to process claims in Indonesia. They will also lift the ban on people in refugee-producing countries coming directly by air to seek refugees.
According to the SMH, "Greens leader Christine Milne will propose a doubling of funding to the United Nations refugee agency to speed up assessment and resettlement of asylum seekers in Indonesia and Malaysia, and a 10,000 increase in Australia's refugee intake. One in three places in the 30,000 program would be set aside for refugees assessed by the UN agency in the region, including at least 3800 in Indonesia."
Read more:

It is clear that the Greens have always invited refugees to this country. They have always been on the side of refugees and use this as their main political platform instead of talking about jobs, the economy and the future of Australia. Their policies are slogans as they have never put any costing on their policies. They want everything to be given freely. Now they want to blow out the budget on asylm seekers by treating them like kings. The Greens are leftist and many, of them like Lee Reanon, come form the extreme left, Marxist-Leninist wing. This is why they are called the water melons because they hide behind their green coats while they are red (communist) inside. The Greens. are just a bunch of idealists who have no idea of national interest or the economy. Being a marginal party, they embrace the extreme left ideology and cannot move out. Because they are not a main stream party, cannot be and never will be, they stick to the leftist and communist policies to be the vote bank of leftist ideologues, blazees, good-only-for-manifestations, and dole bludgers.
The Greens started as a lobby group of environmentalists have gradually move to embrace policies like gay rights legalising drugs and now welcoming the refugees. Lucky their percentage of voters is stuck between nine to eleven per cent. However the danger is, like we saw with Julia Gillard, they can have the balance of power. This is exactly their strategy. They can also be a nuisance  value and side one way or the other, just to block legislation as we have seen wit the Malaysian solution when the extreme left joined forces with the right-wing liberals-national. Where is your ideology gone ?
While the big majority of Australians are sick and tired of seeing boats arrivals, sick and tired of paying for resettlement of the asylum seekers, the Greens are shouting " Let them in" without any accountability. They do not care if asylum seekers are costing taxpayers billions and that they are destroying and upsetting Australia's  rational immigration policy be if for Labour or the coalition. The Greens do not care how many people come in and how they come in as their arguments rest on the fact that according to the Geneva refugee Convention anyone has a right to seek asylum.  
If Australia  would allow anyone, under the convention, to seek asylum in Australia, we will soon be a nation of asylum seekers and our social fabric will be built on refugee-culture. If this was to happen, and if Australia does not limit its refugee intake and put forward policies to deter asylums seekers from entering Australia, soon there will be no room for legal migration especially skilled migrants which we need so badly. This is probably what the Greens want and in so doing helping the people smuggles to continue their horrible business and lucrative human trafficking . Disgusting!
May God saves us from the Greens and let us pray that there will not be another hug parliament where the Greens will hold the balance of power because once again they will hold this country in ransom. If they have been able to impose a carbon tax on Julia Gillard, their next targets may well be close down the mines, legalise drugs and allow Australia to be swamped by boat people.
People smugglers would find in the Greens a close ally.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Turning back the boats to PNG

Turning back the boats to PNG
by GDL

Last Friday 19th July 2013, the Prime Minister announced that he has signed a deal with the PM of Papua New Guinea, that all boat people coming to Australia will be sent to PNG. All of them whether they have passports or not  or whether they are women or unaccompanied minors (with some reservations for the latter).
The nation as well as the opposition was taken aback by this policy. It  is much tougher than
the tuning back the boats of the opposition. However it has the potential to stop the boats without force or turning them back when it is safe to do so (sic).
By sending the "soit-disant" asylum seekers  to PNG, it is assumed that these illegals and queue jumpers , will no longer pay the people smugglers if they will end up in PNG. The idea of being detained in PNG in itself is frightening and depressing, let alone permanent detention or being resettled in PNG and not Australia.
The boat people will still pay the people smugglers and risk their lives if they are genuinely trying to flee persecution. Beggars cannot be choosers! Otherwise, there should be a slow down of the boats in a near future. The news have already been spread all across Asia, where according to the UNHCR, there are 100,000 people waiting to jump on the boats to Australia. The message is strong enough, " If you come by boat, you will not be settled in Australia."
This policy decision is tough but it was needed. It will satisfy many Australians who were sick of seeing boats invading our shores in the north. Australians were sick of seeing their money (some billions of dollars) being spent on illegals who, because they can afford it, jumped the queue and pretend that they are fleeing persecution. Australians were sick of the lack of firm stance by our government and sick of hearing the Greens defending these boats people among which there are many pretenders and people of dubious character.

The Greens, the refugee advocates and some idiots who were seen manifesting in Balmain on Monday, want to let all boats people in. They wrote this on their placards, "Let them in." However these  psychopaths, blazees and extremists are good at yelling but they are not ready to pay for the cost incurred with these boat peoples. It is certain that most of those manifesting are dole bluddgers.
Rational and intelligent people  are sick of the Greens' hypocrisy,  their unaccountability and  their extreme left communist agenda and propaganda. Sarah Henson Young and her colleagues, by defending the boat people, are at the same time flourishing and enriching the people smuggling trade and encouraging people to embark on dangerous journey and risk dying at sea. She would then shed her crocodile tears. It makes one wonder whether she understands what is public interest.

 As for Tony Abbott and the opposition, they were so surprised by that decision, At  first they approved and said they will adopt it in government, but discovering  that it can be political gain for Labor, start attacking the details. They could not see any other policy than tuning the boats, when it is safe to do so, although they have not told us how and what will they do when it is not safe to do so !! Furthermore, they attack the costing of the PNG policy but has not given a figure on how much their policy will cost. Typical of Tony Abbott like the 70 billion budget black hole.!!
There is also the hypocrisy that they will keep the policy once in government because Labor has done the dirty work for them.

Australians will find in the decision of Kevin Rudd the right and appropriate one to tackle this difficult issue. Australia is a  generous country which has been lucky for many refugees who now have a decent life. The immigration policy should continue to  done in an orderly manner and  not be dictated by people smugglers and their friends, the Greens. Australia is one of the biggest intake of refugees behind the USA and Canada. Australia has no lesson to learn for left wing extremist as far as morality and generosity are concerned.
Australians want to welcome genuine refugees but not queue jumpers who are taking the places of genuine refugees waiting in camps. Australians no longer want to see boat people coming illegally to our country.
Australians are grateful to Kevin Rudd to have, at last, found a solution to this problem.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Simply Extraordinary...

Simply Extraordinary of Kevin Rudd
by GDL

Those who have followed Australian politics would know and agree that never in the history of federation has so much been accomplished by so few in such a short period of time.
I am referring to what the new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his new cabinet have achieved in just a few weeks after taking office.
Kevin Rudd has distinguished himself as a real leader with real policies and not just playing politics of empty slogans (used by the opposition). Kevin since coming back to the top job has tackled the pressing problems facing the country heads on.
He first redefined the economic agenda in the wake of the decline of the mining boom.There will be no carbon tax as from July next year while the compensation will stay.
Kevin used his diplomatic skills while visiting Indonesia and obtained the cooperation of the Indonesian government to deter Iranians using Indonesia as a transit to Australia. The Indonesian government will not only organise a meeting of leaders of the region, but has already changed the visa rules for Iranians. From now on they will need a visa before boarding planes to Indonesia. The Indonesian government is already tracking down illegal Iranians in Jakarta.
Through his visit to Papua New Guinea, Kevin negotiated with the Prime Minister; there is now an accord where PNG will host the asylum seekers coming by boats to  Australia. The rules are in force since Friday 19th July. This is real problem solving and not using confrontation and turn the boats using force. This is diplomacy at its best and Kevin is just a master of it. This excellent decision has been hailed by Tony Abbott himself who never though outside the square but, as always, is just narrowly focused and not seeing further than the tip of his nose,
This new policy will deter people from jumping the queue and pay people smugglers to come to Australia. Now is the time to see whether Iranians and others were real refugees fleeing     persecution or were merely entering Australia by the backdoor.
If, as they say, they are fleeing real persecution, which is not always true,  then PNG is  surely  good because beggars cannot be choosers. If one is in real trouble, one just catches any hand that is handed to one. Now people smugglers will be out of business as they were selling Australia as a compassionate country. They were saying you take the boats and people like Sarah Hanson-Young and the Greens, as well as some idiots calling themselves refugees advocates, will defend you.
People of Australia were sick of seeing boat people coming to our shores every day. Some of them are economic migrants and others could be criminals who are being accommodated, fed and nourished at the expense of  taxpayers' moneys, sweat and blood.
Enough is Enough! Now let's see if the boats keep coming and if they come they will end up in PNG. Let's see if the are real refugees fleeing persecution or they are just economic migrants or queue jumpers and illegals as many in the community think they are.
Now that Kevin Rudd has cut the grass under the opposition's feet they have nothing to say but to make personal attacks on Kevin Rudd, resurrecting his past. They are failing miserably.
The Opposition who wanted the elections to be a referendum on Carbon Tax is not even mentioning the word.
The opposition who wanted the elections to be a referendum on boat people and claimed they could stop the boats, has been taken aback. The boats will stop coming under Kevin  not under Mickey Mouse.
Conclusion, the Opposition is dead. They have no strategy and policies. They are now on the defencive. They have nothing credible to say. There is no need for a new government and still less an incompetent and controversial person like Tony Abbott in politics.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The table has turned on Tony Abbott

The opposition losing grounds by GDL

The political landscape has changed since the comeback of Kevin Rudd
as the new Prime Minister and leader of the Labor Party.
It is hardly two weeks that Kevin has been in the job that all the polls are
showing that the Labor Party is gaining grounds and that Kevin is by far the
preferred Prime Minister.
For the past year, i.e. since the last general elections, the opposition has been
pushing the government on the defence and was constantly leading in the polls.
Even if the opposition was not presenting any concrete policy, even though the
voters never knew what is in their  manifesto, even if they were nothing but being
negative and never proposed anything valid, they were leading in the polls!!!
Tony Abbott and the opposition were just sitting back and watching how Julia Gillard
and her team were making mistakes. You could see them on the opposition bench
laughing and joking like school kids mocking their vis-à-vis. Their tactics were to
let the boat people continuous arrivals sink the boat of Julia Gillard. They only
pretend that they care for the asylym seekers when if fact they were praying that
more boats arrive and more people drown. How pathetic !!

Anyway it is clear that Tony Abbott was put in a straight jacket and given the
instructions not to give long interviews, all what he says to the press is scripted.
This is one of the reasons why he is not accepting Kevin's challenge for a debate.

The news of the increasing popularity of Kevin Rudd is sending shockwaves in the
opposition. They are in panic mode and trying everything to discredit Kevin Rudd. But
the more they attack him, the more popular Kevin becomes and more is he talking to
the people and the more they are listening.

While Kevin Rudd is on the attack and enouncing policies, the opposition
is on the defensive  trying desperately to get some attention. The opposition is now
in a very awkward position; their role has changed and they were not prepared for such
a situation. Now they have to rethink and adjust rightly or wrongly. But it all seems
they have already emptied their reservoirs of slogans and cannot find anything credible
to talk about to convince the voters. Apart from the carbon tax and turn back the boats
no one in the public knows more what the opposition stands for. They can only talk
about the past, the days of John Howatd and has not realised that the people of Australia
has sent him to retirement (dans koro kann !!!).
Trying to resuscitate  John Howard means that Tony Abbott is not the real leader and
that he has no credentials. He is not articulate and very weak in economics
and does not  know much about technology and broadband.

Since a few days, the table has turned on Tony Abbott. the pressure is now on him and
as he is fit physically, but morally down, he can start climbing Mount Everest as he has
always said. But it does not look like he will reach the top.
Malcolm Turnbull is surely laughing heaps at Tony's expense.


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Multicultural Australia by GDL

Globalisation, culture, values and multiculturalism

The advent of Globalisation, economic, cultural and military, has no doubt been instrumental to the world becoming a global village and this is even more exemplified by the instant and rapid digital communication. 
News and other information are now available instantly and most of the time “freely” thanks to global and online media. Radio and Television also receive and diffuse the latest news as soon as they are received and edited.
However the quickest way of obtaining information today is via the 3G mobile phone. The news of Steve Jobs death was first announced on iPhone, then ipad and then the other electronic media before it hit the traditional media.
The social media are another aspects which make people from different part of the planet feel closer and this is a good thing. Today people do not feel lonely although they are” alone” in the computer room. With the help of the computer they feel that they belong to a global communication network and feel closer to the most distant relative or friend. Via Facebook, one can have many virtual friends without having a real one and still not knowing the name of the next door neighbour.  But who cares?
Today there is that notion of a global individual, the global citizen or what Virginia Nightingale calls “network individualism”. However she said that social network is a powerful option available to marginal and individual audiences. (V N, 2007). For his part, Jim McGuigan referred this to the mobile privatisation as “ a new pattern of life associated with unban-industrial society in general as much as with the  specific use of communication technologies.( J M, 2007).
The global communication, the advance of technology, the new media and the rest, reinforce the notion of cultural globalisation and the push towards a mass culture. The new global or mass culture is a strategic agenda setting by global media, media barons using marketing and advertising for more consumption to the liking of business and wealth concentrators.  The consequence of which we have a new  society embedded in consumerism and subject to  aggressive marketing.
The advent of modernism and post modernism bring also the notion of a new set of values: economic independence, career focus, labour mobility, online shopping, online dating, less time for the family, less time for real face to face communication and less time for parent-children interaction, less time to care about the elders. Values and cultures take a new dimensions.
With the advent of a “new” cultural globalisation comes the disintegration of traditional cultures and subsequently community or societal values. Religious philosophy is a thing of the past which is no longer a priority. Religion as an organisation is failing to cope with change towards post modernism.    In western society particularly where globalisation is at its best, people today do not need religion to tell them how to live their life. The notion of marriage as well as divorce for example, has a similar or different meaning. They are not regarded only as a sequence of the life cycle. Child bearing and having a family is today a choice, according to circumstances. Family breakdown has become a current event.
This new culture has turned everyone into an individual, a free person, an independent one. The individual does not longer feel part neither of a family nor of the local community nor member of a village, town or country. He is a global citizen with a free mind and can move and travel easily; the only preoccupation is to be economically independent and free.
The influence of new media and global culture has had a free ride with the collapse of communism. It was a system which placed too many restrictions on the individual to be part of a society or country and abide to rules. It restricted freedom of speech and association and was doomed to fail.  With post- communism came a benign hegemony with the ideology of liberalism, individualism, free-market and consumerism: the modern capitalism dogma.
The Islamists fundamentalist in the wake of the collapse of communism feared a   western cultural culture invasion. They had recourse to terrorism and suicide bombers to stop the decline of Islam. Unfortunately their methods were not acceptable by most of us and particularly by many moderate Muslims. They also antagonised the other nations and religions and bred “Islamophoby” to some extent. This was surely not the way to go. But for them this is a jihad that they will pursue.
Cultural and economic globalisation have definitely led to decline of religion, the anthropological form of culture. This in turn has diminished the concept of values as they are very much part of religion and culture. In the western world today, we see the emergence of a  value-free society. The notion of morality is weak if not inexistent. While the society is still law abiding, it will not take long to have a debate on what is also legal, who are the lawmakers and their mandates.
However the picture is different in multicultural society like Australia. In the wake of western culture propaganda and marketing, it is noted that many ethnic communities approach and accept cultural globalisation from a completely different angle.  The culture at home is strong even if it tends to be loose outside the family circle. E.g. eating McDonald for lunch and pasta at home. wearing jeans outside and watching bollywood movies at home, children are taught moral and religious values at home even if they accept secularism outside.
In Australia, the ethnic communities are becoming more and more visible through the media; they have their own radio programs, their own newspapers, their own magazines and having more and more social and cultural gatherings and parties. These factors demonstrate that they are not moving towards a mono culture in a western society but rather towards a more hybrid and multicultural society. 
Multiculturalism has been beneficial to Australia by enriching the social and  cultural landscape and all the signs are there that it will keep flourishing like a garden with many colourful flowers. This is the new Australia of today and tomorrow.