Valentine's day is supposed to be a day when lovers renew their vows by sending gifts, flowers, chocolates, a teddy bear and what not a token of their love.
It is also occasion for husbands to make their wives believe that they are still very much in love ad vice-versa. Others will probably use this day as the appropriate time to propose. So today in the hearts and minds of many it is a special day.
Is St Valentine's day a genuine day for lovers or an excuse or opportunity for them to say and do what lovers forget or neglect to do everyday ?
Love is more demonstrated and reinforced in action rather than words. Flowers, chocolates and what not should not be offered on Valentine's day only but at every opportunity possible. A good husband loves his wife and family by caring for them. A lover will take her/his fiancé to dinner very often and offer her flowers or gifts from time to time. But this is not enough, he or she should say to the other from time to time " I still love you very much." and more still, show it in many ways possible.
Today is Valentine's day when the price of roses skyrocket. It becomes expensive to buy a bouquet of 23 red roses on this day. It can be an excuse for not buying them but why not do it next week or anytime with the same passion and love and spontaneity.
Today is only the commercial valentine's day the other 364 days are the real love days.
Valentine's day can be on the other hand a very sad day for some who have still not found love and do not feel loved. So lets' sympathise with these lonely ones and tell then not to worry about today as it is only another of the imagination of the capitalist system and marketing to get the poor to feed the big business.
The historical origin of Valentine’s Day is surrounded by mystery, but one legend behind this celebrated holiday is centered around Valentinus, a Christian Saint, who was imprisoned for not giving up his Christian faith. Historians believe that Saint Valentine was a temple priest under Emperor Claudius II. The Emperor insisted that unmarried men were better soldiers that those who were married, and he forbade marriage for younger men. Valentine realized the unfairness of this statute, defied Claudius, and performed weddings
Saint Valentine would cut out heart shapes from a sheet
of parchment and give them to soldiers, and the persecuted Christians, to remind them of their vows and God’s love. It is believed that Saint Valentine wore an amethyst ring with an image of Cupid engraved in it. This was recognized as a symbol associated with love, and usually worn by bishops. The soldiers would recognize his ring and ask Saint Valentine to perform marriage ceremonies for them. During his imprisonment, he befriended his captor’s daughter, and they struck up a friendship. The visits by the woman were brief, and they did not have much time to talk to one another. He would, during his free
time, write loving messages on small cards and hand these over to her when she visited.
However, there are at least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, mentioned inthe early martyrologies under the date 14 February.
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