PRB, Last chance or Loser again ?
by GDL
Paul Raymond Berenger is now 70 years old and has been in politics for nearly 50 years. He started very young while a student in Europe. In the seventies he introduced left wing politics to Mauritians and many young ones followed his ideological path. He founded the Movement Militant Mauricien and became the leader. He first stood for general elections in 1976 when his party won the most seats but lost government. While in opposition his party grew in strength and for the general elections of 1982 won all the seats (60-0) in alliance with the PSM of Harris Bhodhoo. This alliance was PRB's fist mistake. The MMM did not need the PSM to win the elections as the Labor Party of SSR was already dead and Mauritius was bankrupt. Had PRB put himself as PM and the MMM facing the elections alone, they would have won by the same margin.
PRB soon realised his mistake when Bhoodho plotted against him and dragged Aneerod Jughnuth on his side and weaken PRB and his party. The second mistake that PRB made in the 1983 elections was to put himself as shadow Prime Minister which caused the Jughnuth and Bhodhoo to lead a vicious communal campaign against him as a non Hindu.
PRB and his MMM lost the subsequent elections. The bureau politque of the MMM knew from then on that it was impossible for the MMM alone to win the elections and started making alliances with the MSM of SAJ and the Laboor Party of Navin Ramgoolam. These alliances never worked and PRB and his MMM stayed in government for a short time only. These were again mistakes made by miscalculations and underestimating his opponents' "ruse" that they were only using the MMM to be in power.
In 2000 the MMM allied with the MSM on conditions that PRB would be PM for 2 years. They won overwhelmingly and that was the only time that PRB stayed in a government for its full duration. With the MSM, PRB lost the 2005 elections and again made the mistake of putting himself as PM and lost the 2010 elections. However the MMM was very effective in opposition.
Overall the MMM has not been in government for a long time during their 50 years existence. The militants stayed loyal to the party but was sick of being in the opposition and suffered discrimination from the Labour Party. Meanwhile the government of Navin Ramgoolam was under heaps of pressure and criticism for the many scandals, corruptions and nepotism, incompetence, and so on.
Time was coming for the 2015 elections and PRB made another tactical mistake of allying with the MSM (Remake 2000) on MSM's terms. The MSM was rated as only 4% in the polls and the MMM was 44%. Why did PRB gave an equal share to the MSM and put SAJ as PM was beyond comprehension, another big mistake again. The Labor party, on the other hand, was as weak as it was in 1982 and Navin Ramgolam knew it. Going to the elections alone or with the PMSD would be suicidal. The Remake 2000 was Navin's nightmare and so he had to break the alliance and attracted PRB in his nets. He has just revealed how he gave PRB "enn gros labouet" and hooked him.
For a fact PRB knew that he made a bad deal with the MSM and opted to join the PTr with a better deal. Better deal not so much for the MMM but rather for Navin who has the lion's share. PRB will be PM but Navin will be President with full power, even unlimited power, so much so that the opposition calling PRB "PM poupette".
Has PRB made another mistake or is it again another political amateurism and lack of political skills?
If the alliance MMM/ Ptr does not win 3/4 of seats, PRB will be the big loser again. But even if they win overwhelmingly Paul wll not be a full fledged PM as Navin will still have he power to sack him. So what is left for PRB ? The post of VPM for how long, as it is not in the agreement that he can be PM. His other option is to retire as VPM or asked to be muted to Reduit.
Love him or hate him PRB would have been the politician who has dominated the political landscape of Mauritius the most. He will be remembered and his place righly so among the great like Cure, Anquetil and Rozemont.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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Thursday, 4 December 2014
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Elections a l'ile Maurice, Ramgoolam sera-t-il President ?
Non a Navin Ramgoolam comme President
par GDL
Le Mercredi 10 Decembre 2014 les elections generales auront lieu a L'ile Maurice. Ce sera pas une election comme les autres car ce sera un referendum pour une deuxieme republique, cad que la constitution de L'ile Maurice va changer si jamais Ramgoolam et Berenger arrivent a convaincre les electeurs que le changement de statut de L'Ile republique sera une bonne chose.
L'histoire commence avec un accord entre des deux plus grands partis politique de L'Ile Maurice cad le MMM de PRB et le Parti Travaillste de NR. Alors que pendant plus de 40 ans ces deux partis se tiraient des boulets rouges en contestant les elections, voila qu'a la fin ils se reunissent pour un partage de pouvoir. Au faite, c'est pas un partage equitable car c'est Navin Ramgoolam qui est le grand gagnant de cette alliance. Alors que Navin Ramgoolam sera President avec plein pouvoir. Paul Berenger lui sera Premier Ministre avec des pouvoirs limites.
Pour realiser ce project de deuxieme republique, il faut que L'allaince MMM/PTr remporte 3/4 des sieges a pourvoir. Si on se base sur leurs performances du passé et selon les mathematiques politiques cela est realisabe, mais comme en politique, surtout a Maurice, tout est possible, il n'y a aucune garantie, au prealable, que les 3/4 sont deja acquis.
L'optimisme de l'allaince MMM/PTr repose sur la faiblesse de l'opposition qui se compose du MSM de A Jughnuth, le PMSD de Xavier L Duval et le nouveau parti de Ivan Collendavello, le Moveman Liberateur. Selon les sondages de l'annee deniere, le MSM etait cote a 4 pourcent et le PMSD a 2 pourcent. Paradoxalement le MSM et le PMSD etaient aux dernieres elections, et jusqu'a recemment, les allies du PTr et faisaient meme parti de government de Navin Ramgoolam. Donc pour ces elections les ennemis d'hier sont les allies et les amis d'hier sont des adversaires. Comique n'est-ce pas?? Chez le MMM ils voient dans cet accord la seule chance pour acceder au pouvoir et pour leur leader charismatique, PRB, de devenir PM meme avec des pouvoirs reduits. Ils ont ete trop longtemps dans l'opposition. Pour eux c'est une occasion a ne pas rater.
La question qui preocupent les observateurs, politologues et journalistes est si l'alliance MMM/PTr atteinda les 3/4 pour pouvoir changer la constitution et installer la deuxime republique? Les opinions different parmi les mauriciens. Il y a une certaine crainte que changer la constitution serait donner trop de pouvoir a Navin Ramgoolam et que la democracie en souffrirait. Il y a encore beaucoup de mauriciens, sutout les intellectuels, qui n'apprecient pas la polique de Navin Ramgoolam car ses annees comme PM ont ete marques par des scandales, corruptions et nepotisme.
D'autre part l'opposition ne joiuit pas d'une forte credibilite et ne se present pas vraiement comme une alternative serieuse. Il ont peu de chance pour remporter les elections. Neanmois l'opposition pourrait beneficier des votes neagtifs cad obtenir le vote de ceux qui s'opposent a la deuxieme republique et ne voient pas d'un bon oeil le changement drastique propose par Paul et Navin. Il faut aussi admettre que leur leader SAJ est encore populaire chex les hindous pour avoir ete PM pendant 13 ans et President pendant presceque 5 ans.
Est-ce qu'on va vers un duel Jughnuth/Ramgoolam ou un duel stauto-quo ou chagement ?
The ides of December is here but not gone comme disait Julius Ceasar sur son chemin de la mort. Qui sera assasine ? Qui suivira ? On le saura bientot...
par GDL
Le Mercredi 10 Decembre 2014 les elections generales auront lieu a L'ile Maurice. Ce sera pas une election comme les autres car ce sera un referendum pour une deuxieme republique, cad que la constitution de L'ile Maurice va changer si jamais Ramgoolam et Berenger arrivent a convaincre les electeurs que le changement de statut de L'Ile republique sera une bonne chose.
L'histoire commence avec un accord entre des deux plus grands partis politique de L'Ile Maurice cad le MMM de PRB et le Parti Travaillste de NR. Alors que pendant plus de 40 ans ces deux partis se tiraient des boulets rouges en contestant les elections, voila qu'a la fin ils se reunissent pour un partage de pouvoir. Au faite, c'est pas un partage equitable car c'est Navin Ramgoolam qui est le grand gagnant de cette alliance. Alors que Navin Ramgoolam sera President avec plein pouvoir. Paul Berenger lui sera Premier Ministre avec des pouvoirs limites.
Pour realiser ce project de deuxieme republique, il faut que L'allaince MMM/PTr remporte 3/4 des sieges a pourvoir. Si on se base sur leurs performances du passé et selon les mathematiques politiques cela est realisabe, mais comme en politique, surtout a Maurice, tout est possible, il n'y a aucune garantie, au prealable, que les 3/4 sont deja acquis.
L'optimisme de l'allaince MMM/PTr repose sur la faiblesse de l'opposition qui se compose du MSM de A Jughnuth, le PMSD de Xavier L Duval et le nouveau parti de Ivan Collendavello, le Moveman Liberateur. Selon les sondages de l'annee deniere, le MSM etait cote a 4 pourcent et le PMSD a 2 pourcent. Paradoxalement le MSM et le PMSD etaient aux dernieres elections, et jusqu'a recemment, les allies du PTr et faisaient meme parti de government de Navin Ramgoolam. Donc pour ces elections les ennemis d'hier sont les allies et les amis d'hier sont des adversaires. Comique n'est-ce pas?? Chez le MMM ils voient dans cet accord la seule chance pour acceder au pouvoir et pour leur leader charismatique, PRB, de devenir PM meme avec des pouvoirs reduits. Ils ont ete trop longtemps dans l'opposition. Pour eux c'est une occasion a ne pas rater.
La question qui preocupent les observateurs, politologues et journalistes est si l'alliance MMM/PTr atteinda les 3/4 pour pouvoir changer la constitution et installer la deuxime republique? Les opinions different parmi les mauriciens. Il y a une certaine crainte que changer la constitution serait donner trop de pouvoir a Navin Ramgoolam et que la democracie en souffrirait. Il y a encore beaucoup de mauriciens, sutout les intellectuels, qui n'apprecient pas la polique de Navin Ramgoolam car ses annees comme PM ont ete marques par des scandales, corruptions et nepotisme.
D'autre part l'opposition ne joiuit pas d'une forte credibilite et ne se present pas vraiement comme une alternative serieuse. Il ont peu de chance pour remporter les elections. Neanmois l'opposition pourrait beneficier des votes neagtifs cad obtenir le vote de ceux qui s'opposent a la deuxieme republique et ne voient pas d'un bon oeil le changement drastique propose par Paul et Navin. Il faut aussi admettre que leur leader SAJ est encore populaire chex les hindous pour avoir ete PM pendant 13 ans et President pendant presceque 5 ans.
Est-ce qu'on va vers un duel Jughnuth/Ramgoolam ou un duel stauto-quo ou chagement ?
The ides of December is here but not gone comme disait Julius Ceasar sur son chemin de la mort. Qui sera assasine ? Qui suivira ? On le saura bientot...
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Mauritian politics General elections on 10 December 2014
General elections in
Now it is official, the people of
Anyway through the Mauritian media, which are now online, Mauritians and Rodriguans living overseas are following closely, and with much passion, the campaign trail. In
Then the conversation will be more analytical regarding the different parties and alliances. The real debate is why should there be alliances at every election? Why can't each party face the voters alone, and if need be, a coalition afterwards. This is a very complex issue as there have always been alliances since the 1967 elections. It is clear from the analysis and results of each election, a party alone cannot win in its own right even though they all proclaim to be national parties. So the leaders do not take chances and prefer to join forces to stand a better chance of winning.
The rationale is also that not all parties cut across all communities: The PMSD is a Creole-base party, The Labour Party is for Hindus, and The MMM is more an urban one and the MSM a rural one. All leaders have to compose with the reality of
So what is at stake in the forthcoming elections? Not much for the average citizen, the manifestoes of the parties are rather vague and incomplete. They all talk about eradicating poverty and job creation without explaining how they will do it. Then there are slogans and promises like raising the old age pension, fixing the economy, cleaning up corruption, etc...Playing like a broken record.
The people of Mauritius, are rather disillusioned by their politicians, Those in power want to continue "jouir" and those who were in power yesterday did not "jouir" enough and want to come back for more. There are only a few new faces, no new policies, and no hope of a better future. The people of
The scenario of the second republic is tailor made for Navin Ramgoolam to be the future elected President of Mauritius where he will have full power and immune from any scrutiny. To achieve his ambition and to reign for as long as he is alive, he managed to bribe Paul Raymond Berenger the leader of the MMM, by giving him the Prime ministership with reduced power.
The MMM people agreed to join the alliance of Unite and Modernite as they see this as the only way PRB can become PM after having been in the opposition ( not to say Karo Kann) for most of his life in politics. The militants are sick of being in opposition and be marginalised. Now they also want their "boutes' and maybe rightly so. However there are long time militants who do not concur with this view. Some of them like Ivan Collendavello and Luchmeenaraidoo broke ranks and join the
Not voting can be seen as a not accomplishing one's civic right and not participating to the affairs of the country and if such is the case then they will vote blank most probably. Vote blank is very meaningful in many ways, it can be a protest vote or telling the politicians I do not trust you or again you are not good enough.
The ides of December is not far, will friends continue to be friends after the elections when all is fair even though it has been foul.
The clock is ticking while the politicians are begging for votes. For once and for a short while the people are in power. Unfortunately not beyond the 1oth of December because after that date those in power will just forget the people and look after themselves.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Who is a smarter or better liar Tony or Julia ?
Without Prejudice
Lies and politics in Australia
by GDL
"Fresh from being endorsed through the polls, big ears and big tummy put forward a tough budget where the working class and the middle class will have to bear the pain and contribute to reduce the deficit. Thinking that they the people of Australia just voted them massively and overwhelmingly, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck thought that the people would allow them to govern at their ease. But the new government's budget was a catastrophe to say the least"
Tony Abbott and his mates while in the opposition did not waste a chance to accuse Labor of broken promises and targeting particularly Julia Gillard to have lied to the Australian public by introducing a carbon tax. No one will forget the many times the word LIAR was used by the then opposition. No one will forget Tony Abbott talking, in front of the big poster " Julia Liar", in Canberra,at a rally organised by his good friend Allan Jones. The opposition and their mates must have used their word liar more than a million times (without exaggeration) during the time Labor was in power.
As pointed out previously during the electoral campaign, instead of playing cool, Tony Abbott promised to the Australians that there will be no new taxes, that he will govern for all Australians, that hgovernment will be caring, responsible, transparent, effective, etc...a perfect government. No surprise that these big promises contributed to a change of government as Australians were fed up of instability and horse trading within the Labor ranks. Australians were eager to turn to a new style of government, a change from the Labor style and looking forward for a better Australia, a new generation of honest politicians.
It did not take long for Australians to find that they have been conned again and that . Once in government the Libs and Nats do not prove to be not better or different. Their first hypocrisy was the nomination of only one women in cabinet. Was this not through mesonigy or rational or meritocracy? Is this true that there is only Julie Bishop who can be a minister ? What about all these capable women elected with their party? What about Julie Dwyer, just to name one of them ? Maybe they are only good to have sex appeal like Fiona !!! Suddenly the people discovered how they too were using public money for personal use, travelling to private parties paid the public purse. Even Tony Abbott was using public funds to attend "his" charity fundraising. Then came all sort of revelations about their dishonesty and lies.
The bigger lies were to be unravelled in the budget. Taxes and levies come from every corner, fuel levy, budget deficit tax, payment of $7 to see the GP, students fees and interest rates to increase, pensions cuts, cut in education and health, no more family benefits, no more kids schools bonus, new indexation of pensions, and so on and so forth...if these are not lies then Tony Abbott must be a saint.
In his semi-biography, Joe Hockey admitted that he wanted a tougher budget, more taxes to be introduced to reduce the deficit. Again he wanted the poor and middle class to pay the budget deficit levy/tax. And all these while tax was removed from big polluters and mining giants and pay parental leave to the big end of town, those earning a million or more would get six months full pay. What a joke !!!
The backlash and reaction received from the budget demonstrated that Tony and his mates cannot take Australians for a drive. People now know that they( Tony nd mates) are not different from those they accused of mismanagement and rotting the system. Voters now know that it is not only people from Labor who know how to lie to be elected and get into power. Voters now know who are on their side and who are on the side of Rupert Murdoch, the big polluters, the mining giants and the rich women who want to have a baby. Now voters know that the Liberals, beginning with Tony Abbot,can lie and have lied to the people.
Maybe there should be another movie: Politics, Lies and Tony Abbott.
Lies and politics in Australia
by GDL
"Fresh from being endorsed through the polls, big ears and big tummy put forward a tough budget where the working class and the middle class will have to bear the pain and contribute to reduce the deficit. Thinking that they the people of Australia just voted them massively and overwhelmingly, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck thought that the people would allow them to govern at their ease. But the new government's budget was a catastrophe to say the least"
Tony Abbott and his mates while in the opposition did not waste a chance to accuse Labor of broken promises and targeting particularly Julia Gillard to have lied to the Australian public by introducing a carbon tax. No one will forget the many times the word LIAR was used by the then opposition. No one will forget Tony Abbott talking, in front of the big poster " Julia Liar", in Canberra,at a rally organised by his good friend Allan Jones. The opposition and their mates must have used their word liar more than a million times (without exaggeration) during the time Labor was in power.
As pointed out previously during the electoral campaign, instead of playing cool, Tony Abbott promised to the Australians that there will be no new taxes, that he will govern for all Australians, that hgovernment will be caring, responsible, transparent, effective, etc...a perfect government. No surprise that these big promises contributed to a change of government as Australians were fed up of instability and horse trading within the Labor ranks. Australians were eager to turn to a new style of government, a change from the Labor style and looking forward for a better Australia, a new generation of honest politicians.
It did not take long for Australians to find that they have been conned again and that . Once in government the Libs and Nats do not prove to be not better or different. Their first hypocrisy was the nomination of only one women in cabinet. Was this not through mesonigy or rational or meritocracy? Is this true that there is only Julie Bishop who can be a minister ? What about all these capable women elected with their party? What about Julie Dwyer, just to name one of them ? Maybe they are only good to have sex appeal like Fiona !!! Suddenly the people discovered how they too were using public money for personal use, travelling to private parties paid the public purse. Even Tony Abbott was using public funds to attend "his" charity fundraising. Then came all sort of revelations about their dishonesty and lies.
The bigger lies were to be unravelled in the budget. Taxes and levies come from every corner, fuel levy, budget deficit tax, payment of $7 to see the GP, students fees and interest rates to increase, pensions cuts, cut in education and health, no more family benefits, no more kids schools bonus, new indexation of pensions, and so on and so forth...if these are not lies then Tony Abbott must be a saint.
In his semi-biography, Joe Hockey admitted that he wanted a tougher budget, more taxes to be introduced to reduce the deficit. Again he wanted the poor and middle class to pay the budget deficit levy/tax. And all these while tax was removed from big polluters and mining giants and pay parental leave to the big end of town, those earning a million or more would get six months full pay. What a joke !!!
The backlash and reaction received from the budget demonstrated that Tony and his mates cannot take Australians for a drive. People now know that they( Tony nd mates) are not different from those they accused of mismanagement and rotting the system. Voters now know that it is not only people from Labor who know how to lie to be elected and get into power. Voters now know who are on their side and who are on the side of Rupert Murdoch, the big polluters, the mining giants and the rich women who want to have a baby. Now voters know that the Liberals, beginning with Tony Abbot,can lie and have lied to the people.
Maybe there should be another movie: Politics, Lies and Tony Abbott.
Monday, 19 May 2014
The big fat lies from the big cigar man
The big fat lies of the Abbott coalition government
Tony Abbott and the members of the coalition wasted no chance to hammer and crucify Julia Gillard as a liar when she introduced the carbon tax. Everyday and every minute in the last parliament they consistently accused Julia Gillard of lying to the Australian people. This lie haunted Julia Gillard to her political tomb and she brought down the Labor Party with her at the last general elections. Even a last minute change at the head of the Labor Party could not stop the landslide victory of the coalition, thus sanctioning the Labour party for Julia's lie.
Lying to the voters is a breach of trust and once the trust is lost it is very hard to get it back. False promises are also lies, telling voters one thing before the elections and do another after you are in power is a lie, a damned lie. A breach of trust and lying, amount to to demagogy and a cheap way to get into government. The Australian people generally hates lies and hates being taken for a ride. They rarely forget if they feel having been betrayed. Tony Abbot and his team won a landslide victory because of the Labor internal fighting but also on the promises they made to the voters:
" There will no new taxes under a coalition government. We will be a transparent, honest and accountable government. We will be a government of no surprises and will look after every Australian."
These were the promises and the pledge that Tony and his team made to the voters and the latter believed whole heartily and voted for them massively. This is how they got elected. But once in government, it did not take long for the people of Australia to notice that the coalition members were behaving strangely e,g looking after themselves first, travel rots to attend private parties and weddings, indulging in corrupt behaviour, receiving political donations from the mafia etc... Big Joe meanwhile demonstrating his usual arrogance by smoking the big cigar and spending millions of taxpayers money for a diner party in New York and the list goes on and on.
The fatal blow on the voters was the budget speech. Joe and Tony thought that because they have been endorsed massively by the voters, the latter will swallow anything or accept any bitter pills that will be administered to them. The budget speech and measures uncovered the true faces of the hypocrites, the true philosophy of the conservative right in attacking the pensioners, unemployed, families, students, cutting into the social services like health and education all while favouring their mates of the rich end of town through lower company tax, overgenerous paid parental leave of $75,000 per month for the rich ladies of Tourak and the North shores. No tax on those drawing millions from super funds, no tax on big mining companies or those polluting our atmosphere everyday.
The budget was a mere demonstration on whose side they are and who they favour while punishing battlers, the working class, the single mums. the disabled, sick people, the youth. No surprise for the rich but lots of surprises for those at the lower end off the social stratification.
The reaction was immediate and national. All rationale and intelligent observers and the sincere economists were unanimous in condemning the budget measures and they are unfair to a cross section of the population.
But the population rose up against Donald Duck and Mikey Mouse and their ministers through social media and street protests. The polls reacted negatively against the Abbott Government putting them far behind labour... Tony Abbott is now the most unpopular PM in Australia history.
The strategy of the coalition government was to attack the poor and the vulnerable in the first budget thinking that by 2015, they will sweeten the pill or that the people will have forgotten the nightmare caused by Joe Hockeys' unpopular and unfair budget. But Joe and Tony will surely not stop there. More surprises are on the way like lifting the GST and raising the superannuation preservation age. This is just the beginning Joe said, as he is obsessed by a surplus when every credible economist is saying s that there is no budget emergency and that Australia is in a far better position than many OECD countries.
The coalition government will continue to blame the Labor party as an excuse to their unpopular measures. But this is not biting anymore, they are no more in opposition and now must face the reality. They lied to the people of Australians to get into power and now cannot govern effectively.
A lie is a lie and you cannot lie all the time or hide behind the past. The Australians do not accept to be treated as fools. The real fools are Tony, Joe, Barnaby, Warren, Julie and their mates of the right.
Tony Abbott and the members of the coalition wasted no chance to hammer and crucify Julia Gillard as a liar when she introduced the carbon tax. Everyday and every minute in the last parliament they consistently accused Julia Gillard of lying to the Australian people. This lie haunted Julia Gillard to her political tomb and she brought down the Labor Party with her at the last general elections. Even a last minute change at the head of the Labor Party could not stop the landslide victory of the coalition, thus sanctioning the Labour party for Julia's lie.
Lying to the voters is a breach of trust and once the trust is lost it is very hard to get it back. False promises are also lies, telling voters one thing before the elections and do another after you are in power is a lie, a damned lie. A breach of trust and lying, amount to to demagogy and a cheap way to get into government. The Australian people generally hates lies and hates being taken for a ride. They rarely forget if they feel having been betrayed. Tony Abbot and his team won a landslide victory because of the Labor internal fighting but also on the promises they made to the voters:
" There will no new taxes under a coalition government. We will be a transparent, honest and accountable government. We will be a government of no surprises and will look after every Australian."
These were the promises and the pledge that Tony and his team made to the voters and the latter believed whole heartily and voted for them massively. This is how they got elected. But once in government, it did not take long for the people of Australia to notice that the coalition members were behaving strangely e,g looking after themselves first, travel rots to attend private parties and weddings, indulging in corrupt behaviour, receiving political donations from the mafia etc... Big Joe meanwhile demonstrating his usual arrogance by smoking the big cigar and spending millions of taxpayers money for a diner party in New York and the list goes on and on.
The fatal blow on the voters was the budget speech. Joe and Tony thought that because they have been endorsed massively by the voters, the latter will swallow anything or accept any bitter pills that will be administered to them. The budget speech and measures uncovered the true faces of the hypocrites, the true philosophy of the conservative right in attacking the pensioners, unemployed, families, students, cutting into the social services like health and education all while favouring their mates of the rich end of town through lower company tax, overgenerous paid parental leave of $75,000 per month for the rich ladies of Tourak and the North shores. No tax on those drawing millions from super funds, no tax on big mining companies or those polluting our atmosphere everyday.
The budget was a mere demonstration on whose side they are and who they favour while punishing battlers, the working class, the single mums. the disabled, sick people, the youth. No surprise for the rich but lots of surprises for those at the lower end off the social stratification.
The reaction was immediate and national. All rationale and intelligent observers and the sincere economists were unanimous in condemning the budget measures and they are unfair to a cross section of the population.
But the population rose up against Donald Duck and Mikey Mouse and their ministers through social media and street protests. The polls reacted negatively against the Abbott Government putting them far behind labour... Tony Abbott is now the most unpopular PM in Australia history.
The strategy of the coalition government was to attack the poor and the vulnerable in the first budget thinking that by 2015, they will sweeten the pill or that the people will have forgotten the nightmare caused by Joe Hockeys' unpopular and unfair budget. But Joe and Tony will surely not stop there. More surprises are on the way like lifting the GST and raising the superannuation preservation age. This is just the beginning Joe said, as he is obsessed by a surplus when every credible economist is saying s that there is no budget emergency and that Australia is in a far better position than many OECD countries.
The coalition government will continue to blame the Labor party as an excuse to their unpopular measures. But this is not biting anymore, they are no more in opposition and now must face the reality. They lied to the people of Australians to get into power and now cannot govern effectively.
A lie is a lie and you cannot lie all the time or hide behind the past. The Australians do not accept to be treated as fools. The real fools are Tony, Joe, Barnaby, Warren, Julie and their mates of the right.
Sunday, 11 May 2014
I am back
GDL is back
It has been a while since I posted my last blog. I am sorry for those who usually follow me who have been asking questions over my sudden and prolonged silence.
Actually I had some health issues, some personal and emotional problems lately
which kept me away from what I like doing best i.e writing, commenting, analysing and sharing my thoughts with you. I am now in a better shape and glad to renew with my followers, listeners and readers.
Much waters have gone under the bridge since my last blog and much have happened on the political front in
The people of
We will have the opportunity for more analysis and expect your comments.
Meanwhile keep kool, work hard, look after your family and eat healthily and do not forget to do regular exercise.
See you soon.
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Valentine's day for who ??
Happy Valentine's day to who ?
Valentine's day is supposed to be a day when lovers renew their vows by sending gifts, flowers, chocolates, a teddy bear and what not a token of their love.
It is also occasion for husbands to make their wives believe that they are still very much in love ad vice-versa. Others will probably use this day as the appropriate time to propose. So today in the hearts and minds of many it is a special day.
Is St Valentine's day a genuine day for lovers or an excuse or opportunity for them to say and do what lovers forget or neglect to do everyday ?
Love is more demonstrated and reinforced in action rather than words. Flowers, chocolates and what not should not be offered on Valentine's day only but at every opportunity possible. A good husband loves his wife and family by caring for them. A lover will take her/his fiancé to dinner very often and offer her flowers or gifts from time to time. But this is not enough, he or she should say to the other from time to time " I still love you very much." and more still, show it in many ways possible.
Today is Valentine's day when the price of roses skyrocket. It becomes expensive to buy a bouquet of 23 red roses on this day. It can be an excuse for not buying them but why not do it next week or anytime with the same passion and love and spontaneity.
Today is only the commercial valentine's day the other 364 days are the real love days.
Valentine's day can be on the other hand a very sad day for some who have still not found love and do not feel loved. So lets' sympathise with these lonely ones and tell then not to worry about today as it is only another of the imagination of the capitalist system and marketing to get the poor to feed the big business.
The historical origin of Valentine’s Day is surrounded by mystery, but one legend behind this celebrated holiday is centered around Valentinus, a Christian Saint, who was imprisoned for not giving up his Christian faith. Historians believe that Saint Valentine was a temple priest under Emperor Claudius II. The Emperor insisted that unmarried men were better soldiers that those who were married, and he forbade marriage for younger men. Valentine realized the unfairness of this statute, defied Claudius, and performed weddings
for young soldiers who were forbidden to marry. He was also accused of preaching to Christians. During the Roman Empire, this act was considered treason, and when Emperor Claudius discovered his actions, Valentine was imprisoned and ordered to be put to Death.
Valentine's day is supposed to be a day when lovers renew their vows by sending gifts, flowers, chocolates, a teddy bear and what not a token of their love.
It is also occasion for husbands to make their wives believe that they are still very much in love ad vice-versa. Others will probably use this day as the appropriate time to propose. So today in the hearts and minds of many it is a special day.
Is St Valentine's day a genuine day for lovers or an excuse or opportunity for them to say and do what lovers forget or neglect to do everyday ?
Love is more demonstrated and reinforced in action rather than words. Flowers, chocolates and what not should not be offered on Valentine's day only but at every opportunity possible. A good husband loves his wife and family by caring for them. A lover will take her/his fiancé to dinner very often and offer her flowers or gifts from time to time. But this is not enough, he or she should say to the other from time to time " I still love you very much." and more still, show it in many ways possible.
Today is Valentine's day when the price of roses skyrocket. It becomes expensive to buy a bouquet of 23 red roses on this day. It can be an excuse for not buying them but why not do it next week or anytime with the same passion and love and spontaneity.
Today is only the commercial valentine's day the other 364 days are the real love days.
Valentine's day can be on the other hand a very sad day for some who have still not found love and do not feel loved. So lets' sympathise with these lonely ones and tell then not to worry about today as it is only another of the imagination of the capitalist system and marketing to get the poor to feed the big business.
The historical origin of Valentine’s Day is surrounded by mystery, but one legend behind this celebrated holiday is centered around Valentinus, a Christian Saint, who was imprisoned for not giving up his Christian faith. Historians believe that Saint Valentine was a temple priest under Emperor Claudius II. The Emperor insisted that unmarried men were better soldiers that those who were married, and he forbade marriage for younger men. Valentine realized the unfairness of this statute, defied Claudius, and performed weddings
Saint Valentine would cut out heart shapes from a sheet
of parchment and give them to soldiers, and the persecuted Christians, to remind them of their vows and God’s love. It is believed that Saint Valentine wore an amethyst ring with an image of Cupid engraved in it. This was recognized as a symbol associated with love, and usually worn by bishops. The soldiers would recognize his ring and ask Saint Valentine to perform marriage ceremonies for them. During his imprisonment, he befriended his captor’s daughter, and they struck up a friendship. The visits by the woman were brief, and they did not have much time to talk to one another. He would, during his free
time, write loving messages on small cards and hand these over to her when she visited.
However, there are at least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, mentioned inthe early martyrologies under the date 14 February.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Can Melbourne remain the most liveable city ??
Is Melbourne really the most liveable city ?
by GDL
Recently the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) voted Melbourne as the most liveable city, not only in Australia, but in the world.
What prompted the agency to qualify Melbourne as the most liveable city was based on some criterias like: the friendliness of its people, the moderate cost of living, great social interaction, the love and participation of its residents to sports and cultural activities, the good transport facilities, its cultural diversity, the parks, orchards and many flower gardens. It is also true that metropolitan Melbourne is not yet overcrowded; there are still lots of spaces between the suburbs and many scope for new dwellings.The buoyant economic activities and consumption patterns of the Melbournians are striking which can make believe that unemployment is low. Most people of Melbourne live in very nice houses with at least 3 bedrooms and drive new cars. One can see more luxury cars like BMW and Mercedes in Melbourne than in Sydney. However all must be taken in proportion because Melbourne's population is a bit more than half that of Sydney.
This statistic denotes that Melbourne is not as overcrowded as Sydney as mentioned earlier. Reports show that 1,500 people are moving to Melbourne every week. With such a trend it is anticipated that there will me more social and economic activities which, on paper, will be beneficial to the Victorian economy. This, however, remains to be seen in view of the downturn in the manufacturing with the closures of Ford, Holden, SPC and Toyota which, according to some analysts, might affect up to 25,000 jobs directly and 1 million indirectly.
The principal drawback in Melbourne is the weather. Melbourne is reknown for a very versatile weather; it might shine in the morning and rain at noon, be hot in the afternoon and very cold at night.There is virtually no seasons in Melbourne as there can be up to five types of weather in the same day. While this unpredicted weather might be very annoying for the visitor, those living in Melbourne do not find any inconvenience, live with it as they are used to it, and perform their social, professional and other activities as per normal. This is amazing, hats off.
The other problem in Melbourne is the "fragile" economy in a globalised one with firce competition from Asian countries. Melbourne grew from the gold rush from 1851 to 1896 when it is reported that a total of 61,034,682 oz of gold was mined in Victoria.Gold was first discovered in Australia on 15 February 1823.
Melbourne was the capital of Australia before the establishment of the satellite city-capital, Canberra.
While Canberra was (still is) the political capital of Australia, Melbourne was the main manufacturing and service city of Australia. It was only years later that most service industries moved to Sydney leaving Melbourne as the heart of manufacturing in Australia.
Melbourne has enjoyed economic fortunes for many years as most manufacturers were investing in Melbourne where semi-skilled and low-skilled labour were abundant. Most migrants were going to Melbourne where it was much easier to obtain a job even though illiterate or unskilled.
The fortune of Victoria today hands on a knife edge with the demise of manufacturing. Closure of factories, and lost of jobs in the thousands. This will eventually plunge the state in an economic slowdown and maybe into recession.
The fallout of a recession will cause harm to those directly affected and indirectly to those industries such as retail, housing and services as people will be careful with spending and investments. Those directly affected might find it hard to continue meeting their mortgages especially those couples with children attending school. A loss or reduction of income and a change of lifestyle will eventually follow as a consequence.This will indeed be a sad situation as the people of Melbourne are hardworking, caring, family oriented, enjoy life and so friendly.
Lets hope that Melbourne will not become, if the recession hits the state, the most unliveable city of Australia.
by GDL
Recently the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) voted Melbourne as the most liveable city, not only in Australia, but in the world.
What prompted the agency to qualify Melbourne as the most liveable city was based on some criterias like: the friendliness of its people, the moderate cost of living, great social interaction, the love and participation of its residents to sports and cultural activities, the good transport facilities, its cultural diversity, the parks, orchards and many flower gardens. It is also true that metropolitan Melbourne is not yet overcrowded; there are still lots of spaces between the suburbs and many scope for new dwellings.The buoyant economic activities and consumption patterns of the Melbournians are striking which can make believe that unemployment is low. Most people of Melbourne live in very nice houses with at least 3 bedrooms and drive new cars. One can see more luxury cars like BMW and Mercedes in Melbourne than in Sydney. However all must be taken in proportion because Melbourne's population is a bit more than half that of Sydney.
This statistic denotes that Melbourne is not as overcrowded as Sydney as mentioned earlier. Reports show that 1,500 people are moving to Melbourne every week. With such a trend it is anticipated that there will me more social and economic activities which, on paper, will be beneficial to the Victorian economy. This, however, remains to be seen in view of the downturn in the manufacturing with the closures of Ford, Holden, SPC and Toyota which, according to some analysts, might affect up to 25,000 jobs directly and 1 million indirectly.
The principal drawback in Melbourne is the weather. Melbourne is reknown for a very versatile weather; it might shine in the morning and rain at noon, be hot in the afternoon and very cold at night.There is virtually no seasons in Melbourne as there can be up to five types of weather in the same day. While this unpredicted weather might be very annoying for the visitor, those living in Melbourne do not find any inconvenience, live with it as they are used to it, and perform their social, professional and other activities as per normal. This is amazing, hats off.
The other problem in Melbourne is the "fragile" economy in a globalised one with firce competition from Asian countries. Melbourne grew from the gold rush from 1851 to 1896 when it is reported that a total of 61,034,682 oz of gold was mined in Victoria.Gold was first discovered in Australia on 15 February 1823.
Melbourne was the capital of Australia before the establishment of the satellite city-capital, Canberra.
While Canberra was (still is) the political capital of Australia, Melbourne was the main manufacturing and service city of Australia. It was only years later that most service industries moved to Sydney leaving Melbourne as the heart of manufacturing in Australia.
Melbourne has enjoyed economic fortunes for many years as most manufacturers were investing in Melbourne where semi-skilled and low-skilled labour were abundant. Most migrants were going to Melbourne where it was much easier to obtain a job even though illiterate or unskilled.
The fortune of Victoria today hands on a knife edge with the demise of manufacturing. Closure of factories, and lost of jobs in the thousands. This will eventually plunge the state in an economic slowdown and maybe into recession.
The fallout of a recession will cause harm to those directly affected and indirectly to those industries such as retail, housing and services as people will be careful with spending and investments. Those directly affected might find it hard to continue meeting their mortgages especially those couples with children attending school. A loss or reduction of income and a change of lifestyle will eventually follow as a consequence.This will indeed be a sad situation as the people of Melbourne are hardworking, caring, family oriented, enjoy life and so friendly.
Lets hope that Melbourne will not become, if the recession hits the state, the most unliveable city of Australia.
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Welcome to 2014
Happy New Year 2014 Everyone
by GDL
Another year gone and another starting.
Like every year it's time to reflect and set some resolutions. We reflect on what we did or did not do. We reflect and assess what we achieved during the past year. We also reflect on why we failed to do, what we initially set to do but cannot really find a rational explanation.
Again we set some goals and objectives, materially more that anything else: time to buy a new car or move into a new house, time to have a new TV set, a new computer, new furniture, another trip overseas, etc...But only a few will say I need to be a better person, think more of others, help my neighbours, look after my family and be more caring. So let us all try to do and be better this year although this might sound relative for some.
During the festive seasons, people are bombarded by marketing and the urge to buy is very strong if not irresistible. Commercial Christmas has taken over the religious one and even if it means drawing from the credit card or getting into debt, gifts have to be offered and received. It has become imperative to do something special for Christmas or at this end of year. The more we spend and buy, the more we enjoy, feel good and boost our self-esteem. The feel-good is another concept of capitalistic marketing where "wants" take over "needs". Many of the gifts received or offered are often unwanted and end up somewhere else, or kept to be offered at another occasion. It is also the case that what was received from A will be given to B while X ends up receiving a gift that was received from Z. Funny isn't it ?
Before Christmas there is the buying frenzy, millions are spent although there will be a sale after Christmas (in Australia particularly). Still more are spent after Christmas during the sales period. This year apparently, Australians spent some billions during the sale. Was this genuine purchase or were people trapped by shops which have made 300 per cent profit before Christmas and not reducing to 100 per cent ? Good marketing again from the shops to keep people buying and spending.
Talking of marketing this is the buzz...everything is marketing: promotion, advertising, sales, all blurred and blended now. Marketing creates awareness, the urge and entices customers to buy so that they can enjoy a better lifestyle, the feel-good factor is supreme. So everyone jumps into the same boat. But while some reach the shore many drown, meaning that many end up in debts and difficulties and have to work all year to repay the debts. This is capitalism at its best: consume, consume and consume as they " want" us to do, impulse buying takes over rational buying. However, it seems hard to resist to this undue consumption pattern because this is the way to be or they want us to be. Again we give way to our unlimited wants and forget what we really need. This eventually creates waste because soon we found that we did not really need this and either we do not use it or we throw it away. But meanwhile your money has gone into someone else's pockets. Big business, multinationals, the already rich have gone richer. But we are all ready to do it again even though we know pertinently that the few will always be rich at the expense of the mass. The rich always prey on the poor to get richer and leave the poor poorer.
But no there is no such thing like exploitation or living at the expense of those who are weak and vulnerable in this modern era, it is all about marketing and consuming. The more one consumes the better it is for the economy and for the world. Money and business come first and its does not matter if this causes some collateral damages along the way. The world must move on. We all must move on whatever the cost.
by GDL
Another year gone and another starting.
Like every year it's time to reflect and set some resolutions. We reflect on what we did or did not do. We reflect and assess what we achieved during the past year. We also reflect on why we failed to do, what we initially set to do but cannot really find a rational explanation.
Again we set some goals and objectives, materially more that anything else: time to buy a new car or move into a new house, time to have a new TV set, a new computer, new furniture, another trip overseas, etc...But only a few will say I need to be a better person, think more of others, help my neighbours, look after my family and be more caring. So let us all try to do and be better this year although this might sound relative for some.
During the festive seasons, people are bombarded by marketing and the urge to buy is very strong if not irresistible. Commercial Christmas has taken over the religious one and even if it means drawing from the credit card or getting into debt, gifts have to be offered and received. It has become imperative to do something special for Christmas or at this end of year. The more we spend and buy, the more we enjoy, feel good and boost our self-esteem. The feel-good is another concept of capitalistic marketing where "wants" take over "needs". Many of the gifts received or offered are often unwanted and end up somewhere else, or kept to be offered at another occasion. It is also the case that what was received from A will be given to B while X ends up receiving a gift that was received from Z. Funny isn't it ?
Before Christmas there is the buying frenzy, millions are spent although there will be a sale after Christmas (in Australia particularly). Still more are spent after Christmas during the sales period. This year apparently, Australians spent some billions during the sale. Was this genuine purchase or were people trapped by shops which have made 300 per cent profit before Christmas and not reducing to 100 per cent ? Good marketing again from the shops to keep people buying and spending.
Talking of marketing this is the buzz...everything is marketing: promotion, advertising, sales, all blurred and blended now. Marketing creates awareness, the urge and entices customers to buy so that they can enjoy a better lifestyle, the feel-good factor is supreme. So everyone jumps into the same boat. But while some reach the shore many drown, meaning that many end up in debts and difficulties and have to work all year to repay the debts. This is capitalism at its best: consume, consume and consume as they " want" us to do, impulse buying takes over rational buying. However, it seems hard to resist to this undue consumption pattern because this is the way to be or they want us to be. Again we give way to our unlimited wants and forget what we really need. This eventually creates waste because soon we found that we did not really need this and either we do not use it or we throw it away. But meanwhile your money has gone into someone else's pockets. Big business, multinationals, the already rich have gone richer. But we are all ready to do it again even though we know pertinently that the few will always be rich at the expense of the mass. The rich always prey on the poor to get richer and leave the poor poorer.
But no there is no such thing like exploitation or living at the expense of those who are weak and vulnerable in this modern era, it is all about marketing and consuming. The more one consumes the better it is for the economy and for the world. Money and business come first and its does not matter if this causes some collateral damages along the way. The world must move on. We all must move on whatever the cost.
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