This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
Radio Kontak sur le net
George at Studio 2GLF 89.3 fm

Broadcasting Emission Kontak
Sunday, 23 December 2012
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year 2013.
Keep listening to Radio Kontak on the net.
Click on the link below
The best music entertaining.
Les plus belles chansons francaises et anglaises,
des chansons nostalgiques et des chansons souvenirs.
A Maurice, le declin et la fin du regne de Navin Ramgoolam
a commence avec les elections villageoises et municipales.
Bizin are sa kalite majakaro et abus de pouvoir de Navin Ramgoolam.
Navin Ramgoolam indigne d'etre un PM.
Il n'est pas serieux et aime plutot s'amuser.
Sa vie personelle est tintee de scandales.
Ses aventures rocambolesques noctures sont maintenant exposees
le public en sait plus qu'il ne le croit.
Bizin botte son derriere et envoy li dan karo kann.
2013 is election year in Australia.
Le duel entre Julia Gillard et Tony Abbott s'annonce acharne.
la date des elections fixee au 14 Septembre 2013.
La course largee....
All the news and analysis regarding the campaign and the elections,
tune in to Emission Kontak Dimanche on 89.3 fm
Live on the internet at
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