Australians should get rid of The Greens at the next general elections.
by GDL.
The Greens use this name to hide their true colour which is RED, the colour of the
hard extreme left communist party. That is why they are called watermelons, green on the outside and red inside. They are virtual radicals, anarchists, harden left wing ideologists who are still living in the past centuries, still indoctrinated by the writings of Marx, Angels,Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao,Castro and all these failed political leaders.
The Greens are anti-capitalism, anti-business, anti-jobs. They do not believe in the private sector, in entrepreneurship and in the concept that investment and business generate wealth and provide
a sense of humanity to the workers; that anyone has the potential to move up and prosper. They just want people to stay a the lower rung of the ladder as proletarians, but at the same time want a revolution against the private sector. B...S....
The Greens in Australia started as an ecological movement in Tasmania with this man Bob Brown.
They protested against the construction of a dam because that meant trees will have to be cut down. They wanted to save the forest of Tasmania and still advocating that they should be no logging at all in Tasmania. This is unrealistic as many people in Tasmania depend on logging for their survival, to have a job and feed their families. There are many many trees in the forest of Tasmania that can be logged without damaging the ecological balance and sustainability. It only needs good planning, where to log and replant the fallen trees.No no no said the Greens, no compromise.
They managed to get into the upper house (the senate) on the slogan that they care about the environment and some people believe in them, as most people agree that the environment should be protected. But once they start tasting power and politics in the senate, they move to other policy areas
e.g. that drugs, abortion, gay marriage, euthanasia should be legalised. Then they move to clean energy policy claiming that Australia should stop burning fossils fuel ( gas and coal) to produce electricity. For them nuclear energy is very very bad for the environment and dangerous because of radiation. They want all energy producing plants to be closed down, no more mining of the land neither and stop exports of energy to other countries. This is economic irrationality when Australia is a net exporter of energy.
They want Australia to rely only on sun, wind and geothermal and other natural energy sources . They do not care if people will loose jobs. As always, they will not compromise. They voted against Kevin Rudd's ETS and CPRS where the cost of carbon would have been only $5.00. They twisted the arms of Julia Gillard, and her minority government, to impose a $23 per ton on carbon emission.
The Greens are the real red devils behind the carbon tax which poor Julia and her ministers now have to defend by compensating and over compensation those who will face higher electricity bills.
On the issue of refugees, if the Greens get their way, our country will be swamped by boat people claiming to be refugees which are not only queue jumpers.There could be among them, harden criminals, terrorists, islamist fundamentalists, mafia or drug dealers who will only upset the social fabric of our country. This is what onshore processing means and the Greens will not compromise on offshore processing. They do not care how much taxpayers money are being spent on the queue jumpers who cannot wait for their turns.
The Greens are the first ones responsible for the influx of boats coming to our shores in the north from Indonesia. They are responsible for encouraging people smuggling and finally responsible for those who died and will die at sea. This is why the Greens are a bunch of dangerous idealists anarchists far from the crocodile tears of the idiosyncratic Sarah Henson-Young, not to mention the wierd Bob Brown and the stupid Christine Mills and the antisemitic Lea Reanon.
The Greens should to the land of dreamers. Dans koro kann comme on dit a Maurice..
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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