During the Presidential campaign, the Socialist candidate
Francois Hollande slogan was
" Le changement c'est maintenant".
it did not take long for the French people to see " le changement" as soon as
Mr Francois Hollande was officially intronised as President of
His first visit to Germany to discuss European matters or " La crise
Euro" was a victory for Francois Holland as his " croissance" (growth) was
"considered" by the Chancellor Angla Merkel, who said initially, she was opposed
to " la croissance" and preferred " l'austerite" ( austerity
Francois Hollande took his concept of "la croissance"
to the G8 meeting and succeded in convincing President Obama and the rest of the
G8, that growth was the way forward. There was even an editorial saying how
Angela Merkel was " isolated" on her concept of austerity.
The second
great " changement" which the French people and the world was quick to notice,
was the composition new French Government. It was a marked contrast with the
Sarkosy and Fillon style. For the first time France has a government with 17
female ministers and so many young talents.
The third change was Francois
Holland's victory in maintaining that the French military troups will be back to
France by the end of this year. Barak Obama. apparently tried to convince
Francois Hollande to change his mind but he resisted. That's what we call "n'avoir
pas froid aux yeux" even while having an eye to eye contact with the most
powerful person in earth.
Ah, j'allais oublier cette reduction de salaires des Ministres de 30%. Quel exemple pour les politiciens de Maurice et de L'Australie !! Je dirai plutot une claque a l'UMP.
Le changement en France est non seulement
"maintenant", mais il est deja la.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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