George at Studio 2GLF 89.3 fm

George at Studio 2GLF 89.3 fm
Broadcasting Emission Kontak

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Rodriguan Social Club of Victoria

The Rodriguan Social Club of Victoria, a model of solidarity and success.
I was very impressed when I walked into the clubhouse of the RSCV for the first time on 19 February 2012. While the interior decoration of the club is very original, the atmosphere is so welcoming.
It is immediately felt that all the members are very connected to the club as a building but more so as a group who share the same commitment, the same values and the same passion. There is a great feeling of belonging and solidarity among the members.
What is more impressive is the cordial, friendly, community and family atmosphere that prevail where anyone and everyone is put at ease straightaway.
The Rodriguan Social Club of Victoria can be classified as a model of democracy.
While the club is under the leadership of a Central Committee, it operates with full disclosure and transparency. Power is decentralised, all the members are involved in one way or another in the running of the club. In politics we call this participative democracy a new and modern paradigm which is gaining momentum and more consideration.
This model is working perfectly for the club. It is a strategy which allows the RSCV to reach its aims, goals and objectives. It keeps the bond among members while focussing on the bigger picture.
The members, and rightly so, have a sense of pride of what they have achieved. It is a dream comes true, as was put to me by the President Cyril Appadoo.
But it is also a dream that they are living in the reality. A baby that is being taken care of with much attention and which is growing and developping.
The other intangible, but how big, achievement of the RSCV is they way they are keeping the Rodriguan legacy and culture alive in a western city which is also very multicultural. They have consistently value their food, music and dances.
The Rodriguan Community of Victoria has made their culture, and their country of origin, known to the wider Australian Community through their frequent participations in festivals and other cultural events.
There is no doubt that this community has positioned itself strongly and conspicuously on the social and cultural landscape of Victoria .
 Bravo a Fidou, Cyril, Mikel. Leo et les autres.

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