George at Studio 2GLF 89.3 fm

George at Studio 2GLF 89.3 fm
Broadcasting Emission Kontak

Friday, 3 February 2012

Mauritius, democracy and the Independent Press

During my stay in Mauritius I had the priviledge to meet many journalists. As a journalist, I take much pleasure discussing with them and obtaining updates of the local scene.They all have their views and corners to analyse and interprete events, mainly politics.
I take the view that the Independent Press in Mauritius; L'express, Le Mauricien, Radio One and Radio Plus perform their role of Educating, Informing and Entertaining the public very well.
My strongest observation is that, without the Independent Press, Mauritians would be ill-informed as
news are actually manipulated by the Government TV and Newspapers.
The Independent Press are preventing Mauritius drifting into a dictatorship of the model of Cuba, Zimbabwe, North Korea, or China. Already the Government is boycotting some of them!
While there is freedom of speech in Mauritius, most people are afraid to speak out their minds and openly criticise the Government and the prevailing high level of corruptions.
I also had the opportunity of interviewing  one of the most respected journalist, Mr Finlay Salesse.
He one of the rare to call a spade a spade and go where others fear to tread.
His show on Radio One from 9 to 11 a.m every weekdays is probably the most listened program.
"Enquete En directe" - is the voice of the people of Mauritius, a voice and a platform for those who have no voice, those who are not listened to, those that are neglected and turned down by the Government Public Servants, those who are in need of support and protection, those who have been lied and duped by politicians, those who suffer from discrimination, and many others who find in " Enquete en Directe" an SOS, une bouee de sauvetage.
If you would like to have a copy of Finlay's analysis of the social and political situation of Mauritius, please do not hesitate to contact me at

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