The rise of Pauline Hanson and One Nation
by GDL
The latest poll shows a remarkable rise in support from voters to Pauline Hanson and her party, One Nation, since the last general elections in July 2016.
"ONE Nation’s comeback took many Australians by surprise, but the latest Newspoll survey shows support for the party has increased fourfold across the country and almost doubled in Queensland since the July 2 Federal Election. The Newspoll survey reveals support for One Nation in the lower house has risen to six per cent from 1.3 per cent on election day.
Its primary vote has bounced to 10 per cent in Queensland, up from 5.5 per cent at the election, The Australian reports on Monday. "
Many were already surprised how One Nation did so well in the last elections especially for the senate votes. One nation has now three elected senators. The party campaigned on keeping Australia safe from terrorists and the way to do it is to have a full investigation on the activites of some Muslims in Australia and a Royal commission on Islam, which according to Mrs Hanson, has no place in Australia. Islam and the Islamists, she says, are against Australian values For her, Islam is a religion of hatred and war, an ideology which has political motives rather that religious values. Pauline Hanson reinterated this in her maiden speech in parliament where again she asked for a ban on Muslim immigration to Australia and that Muslims who cannot integrate and accept Australian laws and values should go back to where they can have their way. She also requests that any Muslim breaching the law and sentenced to more that one year jail should be deported. She also demands that the burka be banned in Australia as there is no religious obligation attached to it. Australia, she argues, is a western democracy with western values and everyone who comes to Australia should abide to the laws of the land and embraces the values.
One Nation policies regarding Muslims and Islam are not confined to Australia Only. The Front National in France has for long warned the successive governments about the dangers poised by the Islamists and the growing number of Muslims in France which is a breeding ground for terrorists. The various attacks in France, Chalie Heddo, Bataclan, Nice etc... have proved Marine Lepen right and this is also why the Front National is growing and now polling at 35%. It is predicted that Marine Lepen will come first in the first round of the presidential elections in France next year.
We are also witnessing the rise of Anti-Muslims and anti-immigration parties in various parts of Europe. It looks like people are saying "Enough is enough of these Muslims immigration" and more and more people believe that Islam is a breeding ground for terrorists and their attacks on innocents.
Voters are turning away form mainstream political parties are essentially because they appear to soft towards the Islamists and playing politics with the Muslims. In Australia, both Labor and the Coalition sing the same song about Muslims' tolerance, that all Muslims are not bad, that most Muslims are good citizens.!!! This is not music to the ears of non Muslims.
Besides the Muslim/Islam issue there are many other issues why people are tuning their backs on traditional political parties. They are no more relevant, they are no more listening to the people, they are not putting forward policies of reforms and long term strategies, they are too short sighted and driven only by the desire to be re-elected. It is all politics without substance, politics without economic plans, politics for the sake of looking good. All talk and no action while the problem of poverty, high cost of living, unemployment are hitting hard and electoral promises not kept. The people have come to realise that there is no hope with traditional political parties which tend to look after themselves and their mates before the people.
There is a wave surging and voters are turning more to smaller and populist parties, a way to show their disillusionment towards the big parties and their lies. Pauline Hanson, Nick Xenophone, Marine Lepen and others are surging on this wave of rejection of traditional parties and by highlighting the weakness and irrelevance of the big parties. The non-traditional parties are talking the language of the ordinary people who are victims of globalisation, who are not benefiting from any economic boom and who see the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. It is a sort of revolution happening in silence and who knows could rise up tomorrow like a tsunami which will sweep the traditional right and left wing parties away.
PS. It is reported that in Mauritius too, people are turning away form the big political parties like MSM. MLP, MMM and PMSD,
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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