Mauritian Politics by GDL
A futile and empty debate
Mauritian politicians consistently and deliberately take the Mauritian people for fools.When you read their comments or arguments you wonder whether they realised that there are intelligent people Mauritius and abroad who are taking them for a laughing stock.
Recently the actual Prime Minister, SAJ, declard that he will step down and his son will take over as PM. This caused such an uproar in Mauritius. A PMSD lawyer said that it is the Deputy PM who should take over. Is he trying to make a case or what ? The disgraced Navin Ramgoolam for his part declared that this is not in order and that there should be general elections, arguing that the people voted SAJ as PM during the last elections and that Pravin Jughnuth has no right to be PM. This is mere bullshit if not dillusion or madness. The same Navin Ramgoolam knows quite well that Mauritius' constitution and political system is based on the Westminster system that his own father adopted. He also knows that he became PM because he was the leader of a majority party which had relied on alliances with other minor parties. Plus ridicule que ca tu meurs dirait l'autre!!!.
What about Paul Berenger, the soit-disant consitutional expert ? He also thinks that there should be general elections but later added that he would respect the decision of the President and it all depends on the judgement of the President!! He then talked about immorality!! Is there such thing as morality in politics, in Mauritius particularly.???
The constitutional expert does not seem to be familiar with the Westminster system where the PM is chosen by the party and not necessarily by the people.When Tony Blair stepped down, the party chose another leader Gordon Brown to be PM. When David Cameron was in alliance with the Democrates, he was PM because his party was majority. Lately when Cameron resigned, the party chose Theresa May as leader and PM. In Australia in the middle of his term, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was replaced by Julia Gillard and later re-replaced by Kevin Rudd without the need for a general elections. And Mauritius is no different. SAJ can chose to step down anytime and as it is the MSM, which is the majority party, in the alliance or not, which decides who will replace SAJ. It is as simple as that.
Now if anyone including Paul Berenger or Xavier Duval or Ivan Collendavello thinks that he can command a majority in parliament, he can go to the President and say so, Then this will be tested on the floor of parliament and parliament would vote for a PM. But everyone in Mauritius knows that this will never happen, XLD has already declared that he is happy as deputy PM and has no ambition of becoming PM. He also knows that if he tries a spill, he will be out of government that is why li pe ferme so la bouche. In the present circumstances, no other leader apart from Pravin Jughnuth can replace SAJ as PM. This is the fact. So depi so Navin ou Berenger or other amateur politicians should stop bullshiting and take people for fools because they are the real fools.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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Thursday, 22 September 2016
Australian politics
What has changed ? By GDL
22 September 2016
It is now one year since Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister and three months already since the general elections. To be honest, I am at pain to see what concretely Malcolm and his government has achieved since then. There has been lots of talking, then the budget speech, but no signs of reforms and people are not better off nor have they felt any change in their day to day living. Have you ?
The results of the elections were far from brilliant for Malcolm Turnbull as his coalition lost many seats and he is now ruling with a majority of only one!!! He and his government are on a knife's edge. Malcolm Turnbull said that he would be different from Tony Abbott and that he will lead the country on new economic path. " This country needs a new economic leadership" he said. Where are that new ways, new strategies or new policies? The budget, presented by the superstar Scott Morrison, is still in limbo and not sure of passing through the senate. Lately government had to back off on their ironclad superannuation policy under pressure from their own backbenchers and the opposition. Each and every policy or measure announced in the budget has now to be negotiated with the opposition and the senate crossbenchers.
What has really changed is that voters showed their disapproval for mainstream parties like Liberal and Labour and turned to smaller parties like Pauline Hanson and Nick Xenophon. What has really changed is that most people in Australia disapproved the way Labor and Liberal are giving in to Muslims. They are afraid to talk openly against Islam and the Islamists and are embedded in political correctness. Such a pathetic and weak stance from the major parties have turned voters to far right wing and populists parties. When Malcolm Turnbull invited the Muslims for dinner at the lodge, among them were some radicals who have spoken against our democracy, the right of women , gays and lesbians. On that night, which was before the elections, in trying to attract Muslim votes, the Coalition lost 600,000 votes in Queensland and many more in other states. A poll released this week showed that 49 percent of Australians want a ban on Muslim immigration. This proves that what Pauline Hanson has been advocating during the elections has found resonance with the Australians.
On the economic front, since the Liberals came to power, the deficit has increased. The rating agencies have warned that if there is no serious repairs to the budget bottom line Australia risks to lose its AAA credit rating. This has sent the alarm bell to our leaders and politicians as right now we a paying close a billion dollars in interest payment. If we lose our AAA rating the cost of borrowing will be much higher. So where are the reforms? Where are the repairs to the budget and strategy to reduce the deficit ? Where will the savings coming from and where will the revenues coming from? Your guess is as good as mine if you follow closely the political narratives.
The price of commodities like iron ore are stumbling and our current account deficit increasing. Where is the path to a new economic future, the economic revolution of Mr Turnbull ? The innovative and technological economic challenge that we will overcome ? It's all talk and no action. It is all about the blame game, excuses, procrastinations, reviews etc... It is all politics and political games.
Mr Turnbull, you have not turned the economic bull around you are rather turning in circle. When will you start governing ?
What has changed ? By GDL
22 September 2016
It is now one year since Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister and three months already since the general elections. To be honest, I am at pain to see what concretely Malcolm and his government has achieved since then. There has been lots of talking, then the budget speech, but no signs of reforms and people are not better off nor have they felt any change in their day to day living. Have you ?
The results of the elections were far from brilliant for Malcolm Turnbull as his coalition lost many seats and he is now ruling with a majority of only one!!! He and his government are on a knife's edge. Malcolm Turnbull said that he would be different from Tony Abbott and that he will lead the country on new economic path. " This country needs a new economic leadership" he said. Where are that new ways, new strategies or new policies? The budget, presented by the superstar Scott Morrison, is still in limbo and not sure of passing through the senate. Lately government had to back off on their ironclad superannuation policy under pressure from their own backbenchers and the opposition. Each and every policy or measure announced in the budget has now to be negotiated with the opposition and the senate crossbenchers.
What has really changed is that voters showed their disapproval for mainstream parties like Liberal and Labour and turned to smaller parties like Pauline Hanson and Nick Xenophon. What has really changed is that most people in Australia disapproved the way Labor and Liberal are giving in to Muslims. They are afraid to talk openly against Islam and the Islamists and are embedded in political correctness. Such a pathetic and weak stance from the major parties have turned voters to far right wing and populists parties. When Malcolm Turnbull invited the Muslims for dinner at the lodge, among them were some radicals who have spoken against our democracy, the right of women , gays and lesbians. On that night, which was before the elections, in trying to attract Muslim votes, the Coalition lost 600,000 votes in Queensland and many more in other states. A poll released this week showed that 49 percent of Australians want a ban on Muslim immigration. This proves that what Pauline Hanson has been advocating during the elections has found resonance with the Australians.
On the economic front, since the Liberals came to power, the deficit has increased. The rating agencies have warned that if there is no serious repairs to the budget bottom line Australia risks to lose its AAA credit rating. This has sent the alarm bell to our leaders and politicians as right now we a paying close a billion dollars in interest payment. If we lose our AAA rating the cost of borrowing will be much higher. So where are the reforms? Where are the repairs to the budget and strategy to reduce the deficit ? Where will the savings coming from and where will the revenues coming from? Your guess is as good as mine if you follow closely the political narratives.
The price of commodities like iron ore are stumbling and our current account deficit increasing. Where is the path to a new economic future, the economic revolution of Mr Turnbull ? The innovative and technological economic challenge that we will overcome ? It's all talk and no action. It is all about the blame game, excuses, procrastinations, reviews etc... It is all politics and political games.
Mr Turnbull, you have not turned the economic bull around you are rather turning in circle. When will you start governing ?
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