2015 Annus Horribilus
by GDL
In all intense and purposes 2015 was an horrible year for humanity. 2015 will be remembered as the year when we saw the growth and progress of the Islamists Fundamentalists which developed in to a powerful organisation which they call Islamic State Of Iraq Levant or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or again DESH. This barbaric group now call itself a State because ISIL now controls a good part of Iraq and gradually gaining grounds in Syria. ISIL is more a Sunni group that a Muslim one as they massacred as many Shea Muslim as they killed non-Muslims. They say they are the soldiers of Allah and the defenders of Islam and all the crimes they are committing are in the name of Islam.
So 2015 was a year when these Islamists fundamentalist fanatics perpetrated a series of terrorist actions causing human casualties of a never saw before proportion. The year started badly with the attack of a barbaric nature on Charlie Hebdo where they killed 17 innocent people who were only doing their work. This attack was a demonstration that these radicals fundamentalists want to destroy one of our richest tradition and values; the free speech and free press/media. It was a sign that not only they do not understand what democracy is all about but that the negate such principles.These barbaric terrorists continued their attacks on innocent civilians during the year 2015 in Turkey, Lebanon and in lately again in Paris.
Obviously most people have been horrified by these killings and atrocities. Many, out of shock, became terrified and eventually scared of being a victim of these bar bars innocently or accidentally, as it is hard to spot them and where and how they operate. They have followers spread in the western world who carry on their actions on the grounds, like the one in Endeavour Hills, in Sydney CBD and in Parramatta just to name a few. We have also seen how some young Muslims, born in Australia, have become radicalised to the extent of joining ISIL in Iraq.
The questions that many have been asking are:
- How far will they go ? How many more innocent will they kill? Will they finally take over Iraq and Syria and control all the petrol wells in the is region ? Will be be able to develop into a powerful state like the old Ottoman Empire ?
Questions can also be asked about, who created the chaos in Iraq in the first place? How comes that the Iraqi army cannot stop ISIL conquering part of the country ? Are they getting the help required to fight back ISIL ? Will the Western world take arms against ISIL to stop their progress? There have been many words but few actions in this direction.
ISIL which saw another chaos developing in Syria, went in and created more chaos and caused millions to flee the country and took refuge in Turkey and Jordan. These refugees and millions more are now are invading Europe. The war in Syria could have ended with the overthrowing of Bashar but this dictator (another one) is supported by Russia (and Putin), who supply them with arms.
The year 2015 was also marked by Russia invading part of Ukraine, and with the complicity of some of their supporters in Crimea, they finally manged to cut off the peninsula from Ukraine. Not content of this "victory", Russia (and Putin), backed up and armed the rebels in the northern part of Ukraine. We will also remember how these Russian backed soldiers brought down a civilian Malaysian airlines with many Australians on board.
So for me and for the world 2015 was indeed a horrible year. Let's hope that 2016 will be better for humanity and peace.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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