Without Prejudice
Lies and politics in Australia
by GDL
"Fresh from being endorsed through the polls, big ears and big tummy put forward a tough budget where the working class and the middle class will have to bear the pain and contribute to reduce the deficit. Thinking that they the people of Australia just voted them massively and overwhelmingly, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck thought that the people would allow them to govern at their ease. But the new government's budget was a catastrophe to say the least"
Tony Abbott and his mates while in the opposition did not waste a chance to accuse Labor of broken promises and targeting particularly Julia Gillard to have lied to the Australian public by introducing a carbon tax. No one will forget the many times the word LIAR was used by the then opposition. No one will forget Tony Abbott talking, in front of the big poster " Julia Liar", in Canberra,at a rally organised by his good friend Allan Jones. The opposition and their mates must have used their word liar more than a million times (without exaggeration) during the time Labor was in power.
As pointed out previously during the electoral campaign, instead of playing cool, Tony Abbott promised to the Australians that there will be no new taxes, that he will govern for all Australians, that hgovernment will be caring, responsible, transparent, effective, etc...a perfect government. No surprise that these big promises contributed to a change of government as Australians were fed up of instability and horse trading within the Labor ranks. Australians were eager to turn to a new style of government, a change from the Labor style and looking forward for a better Australia, a new generation of honest politicians.
It did not take long for Australians to find that they have been conned again and that . Once in government the Libs and Nats do not prove to be not better or different. Their first hypocrisy was the nomination of only one women in cabinet. Was this not through mesonigy or rational or meritocracy? Is this true that there is only Julie Bishop who can be a minister ? What about all these capable women elected with their party? What about Julie Dwyer, just to name one of them ? Maybe they are only good to have sex appeal like Fiona !!! Suddenly the people discovered how they too were using public money for personal use, travelling to private parties paid the public purse. Even Tony Abbott was using public funds to attend "his" charity fundraising. Then came all sort of revelations about their dishonesty and lies.
The bigger lies were to be unravelled in the budget. Taxes and levies come from every corner, fuel levy, budget deficit tax, payment of $7 to see the GP, students fees and interest rates to increase, pensions cuts, cut in education and health, no more family benefits, no more kids schools bonus, new indexation of pensions, and so on and so forth...if these are not lies then Tony Abbott must be a saint.
In his semi-biography, Joe Hockey admitted that he wanted a tougher budget, more taxes to be introduced to reduce the deficit. Again he wanted the poor and middle class to pay the budget deficit levy/tax. And all these while tax was removed from big polluters and mining giants and pay parental leave to the big end of town, those earning a million or more would get six months full pay. What a joke !!!
The backlash and reaction received from the budget demonstrated that Tony and his mates cannot take Australians for a drive. People now know that they( Tony nd mates) are not different from those they accused of mismanagement and rotting the system. Voters now know that it is not only people from Labor who know how to lie to be elected and get into power. Voters now know who are on their side and who are on the side of Rupert Murdoch, the big polluters, the mining giants and the rich women who want to have a baby. Now voters know that the Liberals, beginning with Tony Abbot,can lie and have lied to the people.
Maybe there should be another movie: Politics, Lies and Tony Abbott.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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