The big fat lies of the Abbott coalition government
Tony Abbott and the members of the coalition wasted no chance to hammer and crucify Julia Gillard as a liar when she introduced the carbon tax. Everyday and every minute in the last parliament they consistently accused Julia Gillard of lying to the Australian people. This lie haunted Julia Gillard to her political tomb and she brought down the Labor Party with her at the last general elections. Even a last minute change at the head of the Labor Party could not stop the landslide victory of the coalition, thus sanctioning the Labour party for Julia's lie.
Lying to the voters is a breach of trust and once the trust is lost it is very hard to get it back. False promises are also lies, telling voters one thing before the elections and do another after you are in power is a lie, a damned lie. A breach of trust and lying, amount to to demagogy and a cheap way to get into government. The Australian people generally hates lies and hates being taken for a ride. They rarely forget if they feel having been betrayed. Tony Abbot and his team won a landslide victory because of the Labor internal fighting but also on the promises they made to the voters:
" There will no new taxes under a coalition government. We will be a transparent, honest and accountable government. We will be a government of no surprises and will look after every Australian."
These were the promises and the pledge that Tony and his team made to the voters and the latter believed whole heartily and voted for them massively. This is how they got elected. But once in government, it did not take long for the people of Australia to notice that the coalition members were behaving strangely e,g looking after themselves first, travel rots to attend private parties and weddings, indulging in corrupt behaviour, receiving political donations from the mafia etc... Big Joe meanwhile demonstrating his usual arrogance by smoking the big cigar and spending millions of taxpayers money for a diner party in New York and the list goes on and on.
The fatal blow on the voters was the budget speech. Joe and Tony thought that because they have been endorsed massively by the voters, the latter will swallow anything or accept any bitter pills that will be administered to them. The budget speech and measures uncovered the true faces of the hypocrites, the true philosophy of the conservative right in attacking the pensioners, unemployed, families, students, cutting into the social services like health and education all while favouring their mates of the rich end of town through lower company tax, overgenerous paid parental leave of $75,000 per month for the rich ladies of Tourak and the North shores. No tax on those drawing millions from super funds, no tax on big mining companies or those polluting our atmosphere everyday.
The budget was a mere demonstration on whose side they are and who they favour while punishing battlers, the working class, the single mums. the disabled, sick people, the youth. No surprise for the rich but lots of surprises for those at the lower end off the social stratification.
The reaction was immediate and national. All rationale and intelligent observers and the sincere economists were unanimous in condemning the budget measures and they are unfair to a cross section of the population.
But the population rose up against Donald Duck and Mikey Mouse and their ministers through social media and street protests. The polls reacted negatively against the Abbott Government putting them far behind labour... Tony Abbott is now the most unpopular PM in Australia history.
The strategy of the coalition government was to attack the poor and the vulnerable in the first budget thinking that by 2015, they will sweeten the pill or that the people will have forgotten the nightmare caused by Joe Hockeys' unpopular and unfair budget. But Joe and Tony will surely not stop there. More surprises are on the way like lifting the GST and raising the superannuation preservation age. This is just the beginning Joe said, as he is obsessed by a surplus when every credible economist is saying s that there is no budget emergency and that Australia is in a far better position than many OECD countries.
The coalition government will continue to blame the Labor party as an excuse to their unpopular measures. But this is not biting anymore, they are no more in opposition and now must face the reality. They lied to the people of Australians to get into power and now cannot govern effectively.
A lie is a lie and you cannot lie all the time or hide behind the past. The Australians do not accept to be treated as fools. The real fools are Tony, Joe, Barnaby, Warren, Julie and their mates of the right.
This is my space, my opinion and my views. I do not belong to any political parties and do not support any of them, be it in Australia or overseas. I am a journalist trying to be critical and objective and call a spade a spade. No political correctnes. Please contribute to the debate but Please keep comments civil. There are these things called libel laws.
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Monday, 19 May 2014
Sunday, 11 May 2014
I am back
GDL is back
It has been a while since I posted my last blog. I am sorry for those who usually follow me who have been asking questions over my sudden and prolonged silence.
Actually I had some health issues, some personal and emotional problems lately
which kept me away from what I like doing best i.e writing, commenting, analysing and sharing my thoughts with you. I am now in a better shape and glad to renew with my followers, listeners and readers.
Much waters have gone under the bridge since my last blog and much have happened on the political front in
The people of
We will have the opportunity for more analysis and expect your comments.
Meanwhile keep kool, work hard, look after your family and eat healthily and do not forget to do regular exercise.
See you soon.
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