by GDL
Qui est Navin Ramgoolam, sinon le fils de Sir S. Ramgoolam qui a
vendu les chagos et les chagosiens pour obtenir l’independence de l'ile Maurice.
Une independence que SSR et ses ministres corrompus n’ont pu gerer mennant
le pays a la branqroute jusqu'a 1982 quand le peuple de Maurice les envoya
dans karo kann.
Navin Ramgoolam came to politics by accident. Il n'a rien de commun avec les anciens grands leaders du Parti Travailliste comme Cure, Anquetil ou Rozemont. His father once said not to let this guy get into politics. Why ? Simply because his father knew Navin more than anyone else. He might have known his strenghts but he definitely knew his weaknesses.The words of SSR are today confirmed by the way his son is managing the affairs of the country. Navin Ramgoolam is reknown to be lazy, hates hard work and surrounds himself with cronies and corrupt people . It is said that he cannot take a decision, even in the most pressing case and leaves files piling on his desks.
On the other hand he has a liking for women, which he admitted (bann madame content mwa), for partying (like Macarena and Roches Noires), likes to drive expensive cars (like Aston Martin) racing at night on the freeway. He wears expensive watches, like Rolex (he said he has more than one !!). He would go to London frequently, freeing the first class for him alone (guess why ?). Last but not least, he speaks nonsense most of the time.
The recent episodes of his association with Gooljary and Soornack, have uncovered his dubious habits. Apparently his good friend, Gooljary was only his "gardien campment" who suddenly became a multimillionaire. It is not strange that the one who controls who comes in and out of the bungalow or facilitates the secret entries to the bungalow to be close to his master. But the reward for keeping these secrets and planing the nights outs of Navin, comes with a high price. that of benefiting from all priviledges and whose transactions and commerce flourish with the help of high profile politicians.
A for Mrs Soornack, the Mauritan press gave a close and detailed account of how she met the Prime Minister. Since then she has been travelling extensively, divorced her husband, moved to the most expensive suburb in Mauritius and now a very rich businesswomen. The businesse have links with government and parastatal bodies, whose permits have been granted through political backing.
Navin Ramgoolam has no legacy, he only plays on the emotion of Hindus by reminding them of his deceased father. His governments have done nothing remarkable if not getting the country in a worse state with a lagging economy, high cost of living and corruptions at all levels.
The man is a disgrace for the country and many people with a bit of intellect are holding their heads in their hands in shame. Mauritians cannot reconcile how this man can be so devoid of morality and only blinded by power and cronyism.
He is a real shame and the guy must go. His time is definitely up, he should go now.